So I’d like to learn more about the flag system and see what happens to the post / user when a post receives numerous flags. In my next reply I’m going to post something controversial so please flag it as inappropriate or spam and once you do, let it be known below.
Apparently the post is supposed to be hidden automatically after a sufficient amount of flags. Also mods please unban me if I get blocked or something
Flags: 1 Still here. Flags: 2 Bass too strong? Flags: 3 You can’t handle the truth Flags: 4 Can’t stop won’t stop
Flags: 5 I thought this would be hidden at 5, keep 'em coming!
I see a notification / alert next to my avatar (which is still not my chosen avatar!) and when I click it shows me the flagged post left-of-screen and these drop down menus right-of-screen.
Yeah this thread is no longer relevant and should be archived shortly along with a few others seeing as we are now live and open to the public Thank you though and welcome!