Hey from England!

I’ve been using JustinGuitar for a little while now and thought it was time to check out the forums! I’ve been playing guitar since August 2022, I had a stint in 2019 but wasn’t consistent and stopped. I’m excited to see everyone’s journeys and hopefully leaning a lot along the way!


Hello Lenny :slightly_smiling_face:

A warm welcome to the forum. :sunflower:
Great to have you here. You’ve come to the perfect place to continue your musical journey.

Have lots of fun and success :guitar:

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:

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Welcome Lenny. Dive straight in and make yourself at home.


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Welcome to the forum Lenny

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Hey Lenny, welcome to the forum, great to hear you are learning and enjoying yourself. Learning to play guitar is so very rewarding. Look forward to hearing more from you

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Hello Lenny & welcome!!!
Enjoy your guitar journey, have lots of fun along the way!!!

Tod from New Mexico, USA

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Hi Lenny,

Welcome to the group. Take each day one day at a time and you’ll surprise yourself with the progress. I suggest to record your progress as well even if the audience is just you watching. You’ll see how you make leaps and bounds towards success using Justin’s methods. Best of luck

Jeff from San Diego CA

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Thanks Jeff, I’ll be sure to do so!

Hi Lenny, welcome to the community forum.

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Welcome Lenny! :wave: All the best with your journey, hope to hear more about it as time goes on. Take care :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the community Lenny!

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Hi Lenny,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hi Lenny, and welcome to your guitar journey :smiley:

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:wave: Welcome to the group Lenny.


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Hi Lenny (from Australia)
welcome to the community! Nice to meet you :sunflower:

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Hello Lenny, and a warm welcome to the forum :hugs:. Great decision, to join this community :smiley:. It’s a very friendly and helpful place :blush:.


Welcome to the community, Lenny. It’s a great place to hang out when you’re not practicing. Lots of good advice and occasionally minor insanity. :grin:


Lenny, not sure if this is helpful, but it works for me. I started playing later in life than you so I have less time to become competent, and I’m a bit of a numbers freak. I have a notebook where I write down everything I practice each time and at the same time write down what I want to practice next time. (exercises, chords, songs, etc.). I also write down how long I practice each time and keep a running total. My goal is to practice an hour each calendar day. I actually play about 1 1/2 hours each time so that I average an hour a day. After 22 months I’m pretty much on target at 697 hours (but who’s counting?). You might have less time available but keeping track will still work, even if your goal is 15-30 minutes per day. The log book is a good reference as well if you are trying to remember something you previously worked on. Best wishes. Keep at it.

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Great advice! Thank you!