Hey... Scott from Colorado here

Hey y’all. I’m picking guitar up again after a 25+ year hiatus. Started playing in college and was mostly self-taught. Good part about that is that I really trained my ears. Bad news is that I didn’t have a lot of the fundamentals. Anyways, after 15’ish years playing, I was at a place where I could play for hours on end, entertaining myself (and occasionally those around me) with a pretty good repertoire of songs. Mostly loved playing my 12 string acoustic. Then… life got in the way. House, marriage, job. Lots of similar stories here.

For a number of years, I’ve been thinking about trying again but could never get past the first few days of finger pain (I don’t remember it being that bad when I was 18 :joy:)

What finally got me motivated was coming into possession of this:

Long story but both are 1957, all original parts. I couldn’t stand the thought of them just being decorative. So, decided to recommit. Found out about Justin via Reddit and decided to start from scratch. Really glad I did as it’s filling in a bunch of those fundamentals I never got the first time around. Been going strong for about a month now. Even have the callouses to prove it.

Excited about the journey.


Wait what you have a 57 amp and tele? ah nice work there!

JG is a great learning resource and like yourself I am back playing after a significant break , takes some mindset to push through the pain again but enjoying actually having the fundamentals down well now.

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Hi Scott @scotts0717, welcome to the community! I’d say “welcome back to the guitar community”, but I’m too much a beginner to be able to say that with any real meaning. :laughing: I love 12-string acoustic, and dream of being able to play one. But I love even more that you’ve become the caretaker of some beautiful equipment. Good on you for rising to the responsibility! Fortunately you’re starting with a good background, and have an open enough mind to fill in those gaps. Hope to see you around!

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Welcome, Scott. I’m glad you decided to make use of those decorations, keeps them from getting dusty.

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Welcome to the forum Scott

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Welcome to the forum Scott. Hmm…now I’m bit curious what your good looking almost 70 years old guitar and amp sound like? :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow! What a great bundle you have there! Totally understandable, that those two friends made you play again!

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Jeez you have some seriously nice (very expensive) gear there! Good job you decided to keep them - you’re sitting on a goldmine in that condition!
The Pro amp is an absolute beast, not high powered (about 20W maybe) but with a monster 15” Jensen speaker that can really move some air!
That Tele, complete with the “ashtray” is a dream for us Tele admirers, and it’s the right color too!
Treasure those and play them religiously, they deserve it to catch up on the lost time! Those are an absolute dream setup, now git and learn how to use them to their best effect!
Good luck, and don’t forget that we’re all waiting to hear what they sound like :+1:t3:

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Welcome to the community, Scott! :smiley:

Wow, that’s a nice setup you have there. That for sure is a good push for motivation. :slight_smile: I would be curious, too, how that amp sounds together with the beautiful Tele.

I wish you loads of fun on you re-entered guitar journey! :smiley:

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Hi Scott ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
You got nice old stuff … :sunglasses:

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‘57 tele and amp! Sweet! Welcome, from another Coloradan.

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Hey Scott, welcome here. It’s a great place to be. Very helpful and friendly folks here.

Your in good company here too. My story is near the same as yours. Right down to…

A 12 string was my only guitar when I was a teen.
As far as that finger pain, man, I get it. I’ve been back into it for 4 or so years now, and… my fingers still hurt… :frowning: Well, maybe not hurt so much as I can just feel them and know that I play guitar.

Man, that’s some sweet motivation there. They sure ain’t decorations, that for sure. That set up is to die for…

Anyways, have fun here and keep on jammin man!


Hi Scott, welcome to the community forum. Wow, that is nice vintage gear that you had the good fortune to get. The Tele should be easier on the fingers than the 12-string acoustic.

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Hello Scott & Welcome!!!

Getting back into guitar & starting from scratch is definitely the way to go!!! Lucky you to have a beautiful Tele to take along with you on your journey! Have fun!!!


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Great stuff, congratulations on the calluses!!!

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I am too. :joy: The amp definitely needs new caps before I’m willing to even try plugging it in. Need to find a really good vintage amp guy in CO but just haven’t had the time (or cash) to do so. Hopefully soon. For now, I’m admittedly mostly playing my old 6-string acoustic.

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Surely something to look forward to at the right moment in time then.

Hmm… You said there is a long story on how you came into possession of your vintage gear? :slightly_smiling_face:

Caps are pretty easy to replace.

I don’t know any vintage amp repairman in colorado these days.

I used to build stereo tube amps and have a lot of parts, caps and a soldering iron. I am not an expert, but if I can build a 300b stereo, I could probably help you get the amp up to speed some afternoon.
(My avatar is the amp I built)

I live in the Ken Caryl Valley, if you are anywhere at all near there.

Ok, maybe not that long but…

My dad was a college professor. Both guitar and amp were purchased new by a very important mentor of his. Unfortunately, at a much too young age, his mentor passed away, very shortly after retiring. At the time, my dad was learning to play guitar (it didn’t stick). His mentor’s widow, who was also a close friend, decided to give the guitar and amp to my dad as a memento. After I started playing as a teen, I loved playing the tele whenever I was home at my parents. It was sort of an unspoken thing that it was mine at that point but I was moving around a lot and never in a place that I felt great about having something so valuable. Eventually, I moved a LONG way away and every trip home was a plane ride.

Last year, my parents, now in their 80’s, decided to downsize. I flew home, rented a car, and drove it two days back to Colorado (along with some other family memories.)


Thank you so much for sharing the story. There is a song in there somewhere…