Hi all, what is an “approved teacher”? Is there a list? Are there any based in Australia?
Hiya! Approved teachers are teachers Justin supports and promotes on his website here. It doesn’t look like there are any in Australia, unfortunately–they’re all in the UK with the exception of Lievan de Vleeschouwer, who’s in Belgium. However! They all offer lessons online, so proximity may not be an issue?
I hope that helps! (Lee, I hope you don’t mind me answering this here.)
Thanks @AshenRose
In an idea world I would love to follow Justin’s course but have a face-to-face with a teacher once a month just to make sure I am on the right track. I’m just not sure many guitar teachers would agree to that.
Welcome Lee! Great to have you here and looking forward to what insights you have to share with the community
Welcome Lee! Great to have you here for your experience, wisdom and guidance. Especially for newbies like myself. Cheers! Dale.
Welcome Lee.
I know you have been wanting to jump into the community for some time. I’m glad that you have made it. Navigating and getting a sense of what to read, how to help may be difficult to grasp to begin with. I’m happy to offer whatever help and guidance I can. Cheers. Richard.
Welcome to the Community Lee!
Hi welcome @LeeMB
You finally made it, about time!
no seriously, having you around here will be an enrichment!
You’re lucky, the Community is a great and warm bunch that amazes me every day, even after all those years!
Lee is indeed one of the Approved teachers (like @Richard_close2u and myself).
As you can read, he can rely on years of experience with teaching and the JustinGuitar philosophy. Besides that, he’s a warm and charming guy!
I only win 1 timezone on the Aussies compared to my Brit colleagues but since all my students (and most of the other teachers’ students) are working with online meetings, it all comes down to planning and World Time Buddy
When considering a teacher, the Teacher page gives some extra info for each teacher that will help you decide who to choose.
Hi Lee and a big warm welcome to the Community
As you’re a ‘newbie’ here, let me be the first to offer some helpful advice:
Learn songs, learn songs, learn songs!
Hehe, hope you enjoy your interactions and pick up some students.
Good luck

I think that will bring a smile to some of us mature students who started in their 50s and 60s. 18 ? later in life ?
Maybe Lee should join the disussion and share his experience here: Older guitar students - can 'old dogs' learn new tricks?
Ha! I think you’re probably right. I think it felt a “little later” for me as all the guys I went to college with started playing when they were kids/young teenagers. I missed that “sponge” like learning age, and was technically an adult when I began learning. I do think it kind of worked out well for me in a way though
Haha! Yes, maybe not as late as I make out
Absolutely not. Thanks for helping me out
Legend! Thanks so much, Richard. I can’t believe it’s taken me so long. Everyone seems so lovely.
Thanks, Lieven! And you’re right - it IS about time lol
Everyone seems so nice, and I already feel so welcome to be here!
I will check that discussion out for sure. Thank you
Thank you, everyone, for such a warm welcome to the community. I’m genuinely really humbled to receive so many kind welcome messages. I also look forward to chatting and catching up with you all via the forum over the coming weeks/months.
Take care, and chat soon
Lee, welcome to the community. I look forward to seeing your informative posts and responses to course specific questions.
Welcome to the community from me too!