Hi all Peter in the Netherlands

Hello, Peter here, I’m 58 finally learning guitar. I live in the Netherlands ,near Rotterdam ,but am originally from Manchester. Atm I’m about half way through level 2 of the beginners cse.Luckily,I’m semi retired and have learning time.
My gear is a Gibson SG standard and a Fender Champion 20w. Interests are AC/DC, early rock n roll, The Beatles and blues. Glad to be onbord .


Hello Peter. I’m here learning beginner guitar as well. Acoustic at the moment. An old Alverez I picked up at a pawn shop years ago.

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Hi Steve.Glad to meet you.

Hi Peter,
Congrats on starting your guitar learning journey, good luck with the progress. Sounds like you have a nice guitar to learn on, inspired by AC/DC I guess.
I’m originally from the Greater Manchester area - Oldham.
Best wishes,


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Welcome to the forum Peter

hi and thanks

Welcome Peter!

Great setup you have for starting out this journey. Hope to hear updates on everything soon!

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Hello Peter and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

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Hi Peter,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hey Peter! Welcome aboard. Also a brand new member, just joined the forum last week AC/DC is always a blast!! Enjoy!!

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Hello Peter, I am wishing you good luck on this nice journey. Keep us updated how you doing. :slight_smile:

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Just slowly working through module 8. It’s quite a step up in intensity . Just moving from moving between chords quickly to trying to be accurate. I think I will concentrate on this for a while.

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Nice one Peter. Looking forward to hearing you.

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Hi Peter. Welcome aboard. :slight_smile:

More of us originally from Manchester (Urmston in this case!)

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Welcome Peter. You found a great place.

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Welcome to the community Peter!

We share similar music interests in AC/DC, rock n roll and the blues :blush: I’ve also just recently started the course just over 3 months ago, and am in the earlier modules of Grade 2. The second grade is definitely more densely packed than Grade 1 and more challenging, but I’m loving it along with all the new skills being introduced. I’m currently practicing the Californication riff which is a blast!

I’m definitely taking my time with soaking up and practicing the Grade 2 lessons a lot more and looking forward to the later lessons with Power Chords and the intro to Blues Improvisation :star_struck:

Hope you enjoy your guitar learning journey. This community will definitely make it a more pleasant one!

Looking forward to seeing you play some of your favorite songs if/when you decide to share them with us :blush:

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welcome aboard! Love you musical focus mate!

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Peter, welcome to the community. Grade 2 is where you can really start rocking and you’ll got a great guitar to rock on. Have fun learning songs.

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Thanks .Yes.Still having fun😊

Hi Peter, welcome. Enjoy playing the guitar. No rush with the lessons, when you are struggling a little is when you’re learning a little too.