Hi, Becky from Michigan Here (the NELP)

Welcome to the community Becky from a fellow “senior” Michigander!

Thanks, I’m originally from Massachusetts and retired here with DH, a native, after living in California and Virginia. Michigan is by far my favorite state to live.

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that sounds pretty tempting to me, too :grinning: :grinning:

/me looking to my partner… …ok, not an option :grin:


Looks like some doggo singing was going down here.


Loving that your husband has also started playing. My partner and I also had quite a rapid slippery slope me starting Justin Guitar to them buying a guitar to be being able to join in too!


I keep hoping they’ll join in with me, but maybe I don’t play in their key? They do howl pretty much when they feel like it or when I they know I’ve started the car to go away.

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