Hi Everyone šŸŒŗ from Angelique in Florida

Hi Everyone! Iā€™m Angelique and I live on the Florida coast. Iā€™m an adult beginner and picked up the guitar for the first time about a month ago.

Iā€™m part of a very musical familyā€¦ well, everyone except for me. Apparently, I talked about my guitar dreams and wishes so often that my hubby surprised me with my very first acoustic guitar. Most Awesome Gift Ever!

Iā€™m in Grade 1 and finding joy playing, learning, and practicing everyday. Everything except for the finger painā€¦ seriously - nobody warned me! I knew I was hooked during the intro course riff - when my personal brass section joined in for my very first surprise jam session :smiling_face:. Iā€™m enjoying taking the lessons on this platform where I can progress at my own pace from home.

My dream is to strum my guitar on the beach with friends and participating in our impromptu piano bar sing along evenings at home. Iā€™m excited to learn mellow acoustic versions of my favorite songs, blues, rock, jazz, and some Latin thrown in for good measure because channeling my inner Carlos Santana sounds like a pretty solid life goal.

Iā€™m super excited to be part of this community, learn from everyone, and share my journey. Looking forward to chatting soon. :hibiscus:


welcome aboard :slight_smile:

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What an amazing and thoughtful gift. That is a girft that will last a lifetime.

This is absolutely possable with Justins instruction. Follow his videos and use the parctice assistant. Set it up amd do your dailys as I call them you will be up and running in no time. How exciting. The first year can be challanging for some butnit is really and exciting time. Because there are so many achivments

This community is super supportive, use it and dont be afraid to share. Good constructive help is hard to find out there, but you will find it here without judgment or drama. These folks are a fine group of people. They have helped me on my journey so much.

Good luck I cant wait to see more from you.


Welcome Angelique! Youā€™re in the right place. How lucky you are to have a brass section to jam with! Looking forward to hearing from you as you advance in your journey. :smiling_face:

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Welcome to the forum Angelique

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Atlantic or Gulf coast?

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Hi Angelique, welcome to the community forum.

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Welcome, Angelique. This is a great place to learn. I started as a complete newbie 2 years ago and I think Iā€™m doing great. Nice hubby you have there, too.

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Welcome to the community!

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Thatā€™s awesome. The great thing about the guitar is if you stick past the initial finger pain, and get a song or two working, then you are on your way.

I remember many many years ago being in awe of a guy who was able to pull out his guitar at a bbq and keep us entertained for quite some time. Now Iā€™m that guy and youā€™ll be able to sooner than you think.


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile: Iā€™m new here myself and I really like it here :slight_smile:

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Excellent goals to go for and JG/this community is an excellent place to do so :wink:

Finger pain? it will pass.
Meanwhile, make sure not pressing the fretboard with all your might but just enough of a touch to make the chords ring out nicely. Donā€™t obesess of it though, most of it is just physical conditioning.

Enjoy your journey and ask help when needed!

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Welcome Angelique,

Great that you have such good support to help you along your journey and what great goals.

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Welcome Angelique, have a good time with Justinā€™s Programm (you will!) and here on the community platform!

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Hi Angelique,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Because everyone assumes that this is logical :smile:ā€¦thin, hard strings and pressing them in your fingers for a long timeā€¦everyone, well, :roll_eyes: every six months or so, my wife is always surprised that it hurts her fingers so quickly and then she quickly goes back to the pianoā€¦ :sweat_smile:

You have nice goals :sunglasses:


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Hi Angelique,
welcome aboard!
Enjoy your journey and donā€™t be discouraged when thereā€™ll be a harder time.
Learning the guitar pays back big time!

Sounds great! Would be my dream as well, but we donā€™t have these things around here :slightly_frowning_face:
Looking forward to your first family band video! :sunglasses:

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Welcome Angelique!

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Hello Angelique & Welcome!!!

THIS :point_up_2:

Keeping the Journey FUN is the key! The more youā€™re enjoying playing & learning, the more you want to pick up your six-stringed buddy & play. The more you play, the better you get & the more enjoyment it brings!!!
Learning brings lots of peaks, valleys & plateaus - but just keep going & before you know it, youā€™ll be playing simplified versions of those ā€˜campfireā€™ songs thatā€™ll sound great out on the beach!!! Enjoy!!!

Tod from (beachless :sob:) New Mexico

P.S. Pics of your new guitar are always welcome!
We love to see gear pics here in the Community!

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Welcome Angelique!

As Lieven mentioned, try to train yourself to use the least finger pressure required to fret the string, as squeezing too hard will make your fingertips hurt more than they should, and will prevent you from quickly changing from one chord to the next.

If the fingertip pain doesnā€™t subside within a couple of months, I suggest you consider changing your acoustic guitar strings to the thinnest available, which is usually an ā€œextra-lightā€ 0.010" - 0.047" Phosphor Bronze string set. If you have the means, have a guitar tech change them for you and also adjust the ā€œactionā€ (which is the straightness of the neck and the height of the strings) to accomodate the thinner strings. You can always switch back to thicker strings later if you want to.

Enjoy the journey!


Iā€™m over on the Atlantic side :ocean: