Hi Everyone! I'm Gabe from BC, Canada

Bit of a weird one to write but I guess you might say I’m coming back to guitar after a long time away.

I’m 42 and first picked up the axe when I was about 12-13 years old.

I was inspired by Santana, Jimi, EVH, Hetfield, Hammett, Lenny Kravitz, and of course Jimmy Page to play guitar.

I struggled a ton to improve on it, mainly because of lack of focus and direction. It always felt like the guitar fought against me to play it.

I’m most influenced by Hard Rock and Metal but enjoy everything from Funk to RnB and also Doom Metal.

I bought a bass at the beginning of this year to get back into music (it had been almost a decade of not playing anything) and thought I might enjoy it more but I was wrong lol. It’s been fun but my heart belongs to the 6 strings of calloused fingers.

I’ve started going through the beginner lessons on Justin Guitar to get my skills back and hopefully jam with some people in my area and play covers. Maybe write my own stuff some day.

I’d consider myself a rhythm guitarist at the peak of my playing but would probably die happy if I could nail a Metallica solo or play “Eruption” some day lol.

Looking forward to chatting and learning from you all.



Welcome Gabe!

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Welcome to the forum Gabe. I’m from the other side of the Rockies from you

Welcome Gabe and enjoy the dream. :guitar:

Welcome Gabe,
I’m confident you can find everything you need for your guitar journey with Justin’s lessons and here on the community,
Best of luck👍

Hi Gabe, welcome to the community forum. Welcome back to the six strings. The calluses will come soon enough with practice. You can find song tutorials for songs by some of the artists you liked when you were younger on Justins website. Have fun as you restart your guitar journey.

Welcome Gabe!

Hi Gabe,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses: