Hi everyone just catching up on the latest news of what you’re working on

Thanks for the advice. I’ve been without a voice since around Easter. I guess you take it for granted until you lose your voice. Like the others said I’ll try to stay plans at least play the rhythm part of some songs . Have a great day


Hi Darrell:

I checked out the fairy voice mother and was impressed by her witty personality. I appreciate you stopping by to say hello. In time I will be back to normal, just have to tell myself to stay positive. Have a good day mate


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Hi Tod,

That sounds like it will be a special performance. Ed Sheeran’s song is an achievable goal for sure. Every time I go to a social event I am expected to play music. I enjoy it a lot so I’m sure you will too. I’ve graduated from the crypt keeper to a Brian Johnson type song. Thunderstruck for life lol. Thanks for saying hello and hope you’ve had nice weather in New Mexico lately. Take care



Hey there.

First of all, get well soon!

I’m still a beginner so most of my time I work on Justin’s exercises in order to try to get ready to the next grade haha.

But today I managed to convince a friend who used to play Guitar but had stopped to get back to it, we decided to learn 3 songs by ourselves before we meet to try and jam. This is a huge motivation for me at the moment.

Good to hear from you Jeff and sorry you’ve been unwell, good that you’ve still been playing though! :slight_smile:

Horrible about your voice, probably one of those thing where time and rest is the best thing, albeit maybe not wholly doable considering your job!

Hey Jeff!
That’s fascinating that you used to live in Germany! And also very interesting to hear about your connection to Stuttgart through your grand parents. Nuremberg is a nice and interesting city to live in. I’m from the northern part of Germany, but moved here for job reasons about 20 years ago, and haven’t regretted it.

It’s good to hear that you managed to give your important presentation yesterday, even while worried about your voice. I hope your voice will continue to get better, slowly but thoroughly! Your health is the most important thing, I hope you are able to prioritize resting still whenever you can. I’m glad to read you were at least able to play guitar again.

Here’s a Nuremberg related foto by the way that I have taken from our kitchen window, I posted this in a different thread already here in the forum:

All the best!



Hi there,

I think that’s really cool you got someone to pick the guitar up and play away it will help you both with timing to play in sync. I’m also a beginner and have a long ways to go before becoming an expert. I do post a lot of songs here and you tube and tik tok, but more or less just a recording of my progress. Once in a while people really like the version but usually I have more to improve. I keep at it regardless and never give up. It’s a pleasure to meet you and hope your journey goes well. My health is slowly but surely improving but my voice isn’t quite there yet. Take care



Hi Mark,

Thanks for saying hello. I’m getting a bit better each day with my health but feeling frustrated that I lost some of my progress while unable to practice. In time it will come back. Hope all is well in the UK. Take care mate.
