Hi from California 👋🏾

Hi, I’m Celina!

I have been playing guitar for about 6 years with some ebbs and flows for the few couple years. But I have been going strong for a couple years or so now and enjoying the challenges in each of the modules and lessons. I am a part of my church’s worship team and also play just for fun! Although I come from a family of musicians, I decided to try and teach myself after many years of playing piano and wanting to, but being nervous to, start to play the guitar. That’s how I came upon Justin Guitar and I have had a blast since!

So excited to join this community of fellow musicians!


Welcome to the forum Celina

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Welcome Celina, enjoy your time here. :smiley:

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Hi Celina,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and playing :sunglasses:


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HI Celina
Welcome to the community :hugs: :sunflower:

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Welcome Celina!

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welcome :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum, Celina … Never be nervous about picking a guitar up … Be excited! :grin:


Welcome in! Just hang in and enjoy the ride because what a ride it is! :slight_smile:

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Hello and welcome from So Cal.

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Welcome, Celina.

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Hi Celina, welcome to the community forum.

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