Hi from Copenhagen, Denmark

I’m Jacob :wave:

I joined in February after fumbling around on YouTube for a couple of months. I first began playing about 25 years ago, but never learned it properly. After a few years of on-and-off strumming chords poorly, I had to put the guitar down due to a finger injury. End of last year I decided to try and play a bit again and got the idea that it might be good to learn some fundamental skills properly this time around.

I’ve been going through the course from the beginning, first watching the videos in fairly quick succession, later going back to the ones that I want to work on. In some areas my skills are very basic - like finger dexterity and technique in general. Other areas I’m stronger in - like chord shapes and music theory - so I move over them a bit more quickly. I watch every lesson, though, even the ones I don’t expect to learn anything new from, because often there will be a nugget of knowledge or a small tip for practicing that I’ll find useful.

My guitar playing has always been - and probably will continue to be - mainly for accompanying my singing. But maybe, hopefully, my ambitions for playing other stuff will grow with my ability on the instrument.

Anyways, I hope to have fun here.



Welcome to the forum Jacob

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Hi Jacob and please feel free to chat, I am new here and I’m about the same as you discribe yourself, so I’m always looking to talk to people and members her are very helpful so Nice to meet you cheers Hec

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Hey Jacob. Welcome to the community. Great to hear your story. Look forward to hearing more from you

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Welcome! Your name reminds me of the Danish song my grandmother taught me when I was little (she was from Ålborg.) Mester Jacob. I don’t know much Danish, but I remember the words to the song.

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Hello Jacob & welcome!!!
May your guitar journey be filled with fun & discoveries!!!

Tod from New Mexico, USA

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Hi Jacob,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


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Thanks for the welcome, people.


Hi Jacob, welcome to the community forum. Have fun learning songs and accompanying yourself singing.

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Welcome Jacob. You’ll have fun here. Very friendly and welcoming bunch of people. Happy strumming. Stuart

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