Hi from Phil in England - I'm an absolute beginner (as Bowie sang)

Hi, Phil here from England.
Recently retired at the age of 65 as the title says an absolute beginner. When asked by my guitar playing daughter a few months ago what I was going to do with my time I jokingly said I should take up the guitar. The idea started to grow so here I am. This site was recommended to me by my daughter and her partner who is a musician, teacher, guitar loving type of guy. My son also plays as well.
I must say this site is an incredible resource as I find my way around it. A real credit to Justin and his team, such an inspiring instructor as well.
I have started the beginners course and am now at the end of the first module trying to improve, speed up and clean up my A to D changes. I have found that my sense of rhythm is on par if not worse than my dad dancing when trying to strum along and chord change to my first song.
I also realise that it will be a slow process as the brain to finger interface is not as good as it used to be when younger. Trying to make two hands do different things and maintain a rhythm at the same time is a new challenge. The strumming machine that I have found on the site will hopefully help with the rhythm and move me forward.


Welcome to the forum Phil you come to the right place

Hi Phil, nice to meet you. Enjoy your retirement having lots of fun on your guitar learning journey

Hi Phil. Welcome to the community.
I picked up the guitar at 67 after a 45 hiatus and have been learning with Justin for 4 years now. I’m also retired which allows a good bit of time to develop skills, practice and, of course, learn songs! It’s great that you have other guitar players in the family to help, support and play with you.

Hi Phil
Welcome to the community. As you say it’s a great resource. It all takes time, but day by day you’ll get there!

Hi Phil,
Welcome to the community and with both your daughter and partner both playing and all of us you will have no problem getting advise and recommendation.
Good luck enjoy your journey.


Hi Phil,

We both signed up around the same time. I think we are rowing the same boat with the struggles of starting something like this from scratch when there are a few miles on the clock.

Best of luck and stick with it, if I can get my banana fingers to knock out something resembling the A and D chords and stumble into some sort of rhythm I’m sure you can.

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Welcome Phil and enjoy your guitar journey and I hope you have lots of fun along the way!

:wave:, welcome to the group Phil.


Hi Phil ,
Welcome here and this is the best thing you could do with your retirement :sunglasses: … in addition to enough physical exercise of course … so practice a lot of standing and walking with your guitar :smile:

Thanks all for your replies and encouragement.

bam bam ba oooh bam bam bah oooh :wink:

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Hello Phil and welcome on board! It’s great you have the people you love encourage you to take up the guitar! Don’t bother too much about age and fingers/brain interface, just enjoy your own pace…I’m 43 and since I’ve started learning (couldn’t clap my hands along with Happy Birthday!) I can appreciate an overall improvement in my cognitive functioning that extends to other areas of my life. Just go as much slow as you need to and find your ways to enjoy the time you spend with your guitar :blush:

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Dad dancing, clumsy fingers, left and and right hand in different universes? I feel your pain Phil, but fourteen months in to daily work with Justin Guitar and I’m starting to play entire songs and learning to improvise by noodling. It’s a great way to bring meaning and fun to being retired.

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Welcome Phil, at least you have some jam buddies in the family.

Thanks, I`m sure Christmas is going to be a riot :grinning:

Thanks Silvia.
"I can appreciate an overall improvement in my cognitive functioning that extends to other areas of my life. "
Approaching the senior stage of my life this was a big consideration in taking up the guitar. If it helps to extend my brain function and dexterity along with learning a new skill it`s a win win.

Hello and welcome to our community Phil. :slight_smile:

Slow and steady wins the race. Keep at it and it will slowly start to come.

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Welcome to the forum Phil, you have a wise daughter, pointing you towards Justin’s tutorage !


Thanks. I t has turned full circle, it used be our job as parents to educate the children :grinning:

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