Hi from Wisconsin USA!

Hi everyone! I’m Talia from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I grew up playing piano and music is my outlet for everything. I can’t imagine not having music in my life. I am in my mid-40s now and I am having fun with the guitar. It is hard!! I took some in person lessons which did not go well. I made it clear that I know how to read music and I play piano but I do not know anything about guitar. He didn’t do much that lesson but he gave me “homework”. I was to write quarter notes over and over again on paper. And a few other ridiculously useless things for me to do. I went back to the lesson and explained that I don’t need to learn notes or music. He didn’t seem to interested in me playing. I kept having to ask him how to hold the guitar and how to position my hands and he wouldn’t help me with that stuff, he just said I was fine. I didn’t want to start out with bad habits so I wanted to learn, but he was useless. So, I started working on “Wish You Were Here” and I was doing alright for just starting. But, I am still struggling a bit. So I watched some of Justins lessons and they are helping so much! He is amazing! I am super excited to learn and play and play and learn!!


Hi Talia, nice to meet you, welcome to the community! It’s a great place to learn and share everything about guitar.
I guess, with Justin and the Approved Teachers here you have found what you need. You made bad experience with your in person lessons, but this won’t happen here. Just start the lessons of Justin’s Beginner Course right at the beginning move through them and stick to a practice routine and you will have lots of fun! :hibiscus:


Welcome to the forum Talia

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Hi Talia,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Hi Talia! I’m in Madison, so we’re not that far apart! Honestly, Justin’s lessons are so good, I’m not sure if I’ll seek out an in person guitar teacher.

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Welcome Talia. I have been there with useless teachers so sympathize, just stick with Justin’s course.

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Welcome aboard, Talia! :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear about your bad experience with your guitar teacher. Some folks should teach, I get the feeling… But luckily enough you joined here, though. :smiley:

Hope you’ll learn lots of stuff and most of all, have fun while doing so!

All the best for your guitar journey. :slight_smile:

Cheers - Lisa

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Hey Talia, welcome to the community, it’s awesome you are progressing. Yeah it’s hard, but stick to it and the rewards soon come and they are great. Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with your tutor. I’ve come across a few really bad ones as well. Sigh.

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Welcome, Talia!
I just moved away from MKE last fall after 5 years there. Stay warm!

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Hey Talia!

Welcome to the community! It’s great to have you here!

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Welcome, from Michigan, Talia. This is indeed a great place to learn. I would love to play piano someday. Guitar first though. I never played anything before unless you count recorder in 2nd grade and clarinet in 3rd. This is a great place to learn!

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Hi Talia
Nice to meet you, welcome :slight_smile: :sunflower:

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Hi Talia, welcome to the community forum. Sorry about your bad experience with a bad guitar teacher. Over the years, I had the misfortune of using over a dozen beginner guitar tutorial books that were almost as bad. Fortunately I found Justin Guitar. Start from the beginning and you can learn songs from the beginning. Have fun this time leaning guitar.

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Hi Talia welcome. Good you found a very good alternative to the in person lessons that were not moving in the direction you were needing. Have fun.