Hi! I’m Carlos from Spain, now living in USA!

Hello Carlos and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Justin just makes you want to learn. His enthusiasm is infectious.


Hola Carlos, bienvenido. I’m from Colombia but live in Canada. It is good that you’re are progressing well, but if at any point later you find something that you’re struggling with it may not be what you’re learning at that point but something you didn’t spend enough time previously. If that happens you can go back to the respective lesson and polish that skill.

Either for strumming or finger picking, that I in Spanish know as “rasgueo” or “punteo” respectively, it is good to try it first at the slowest pace that you can do it with a consistent timing and later increase it gradually until you can play it full speed. One thing that also works, as Justin mentions it somewhere, is playing one bar only until is good and then progressively adding more bars. Trying to play the whole thing at full speed from the beginning may lead to sloppy technique, not so good sound, and bad habits.


Gracias por el consejo! I’m trying not to rush through the lessons and practicing the basics again and again while introducing new things little by little and I think it’s working well.



Hello Carlos.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. I’m arriving late to the hello and welcome party. It seems to me you have enthusiasm and drive to help you. As others have suggested, your introductory does suggest you are moving rapidly so I will add my voice to those encouraging you to make sure you consolidate and add my mantra - learn songs, learn songs, learn songs. The lessons are the method by which you learn and practice technique. Songs are the reason to gain those skills.
There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything else.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.

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Wow cool Carlos, I know this is super old but i bet you are ripping some solos by now. I got you bro.


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Haha Thanks Jason!

I’m working on it, practicing scales, legato and alternate picking. The only solo I know how to play is “smells like teen spirit “ really easy and fun to play.

I just don’t want to start learning any other solos until my technique is good enough to feel I can really do it.


Sweet, thats a good one. About A Girl is another good Nirvana solo to learn also. Plus the song is killer. Super easy riff you repeat 4 times and boom solo learned.

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