Hi, I’m Inge from the Netherlands

Hi my fellow guitar friends!

So 2 days ago I already made a post about how I was struggling with playing and all, and I just stumbled across this section of the community where everyone introduces themselves! I was used to the ‘ old forum’ and had to get used to the new community. It’s great though! So actually it was quite rude for me to just open a topic whilst forgetting this. My apologies, so here a proper introduction.

My name is Inge, and I have been playing guitar since January 2020. The first 3 months I was a bit lost and then I found Justinguitar and I was blown away. I avidly started playing as much as i could and the local guitar store where I bought my guitar told me that a friend of his and guitar teacher for many years taught guitar over there and gave me his details. Ever since I also have a live teacher, besides Justinguitar. He is a great guy, very enthousiastic and so freaking good in playing. His teaching revolves around a song every lesson, of your choosing. Sometimes things are too difficult for me and he doesn’t have structured lessons like Justin, but I learned quite some cool things from him.

I’m quite creative and have lots of hobby’s, but also quite a busy and demanding job so time is basically always a thing. I love learning everything I can about guitar, I love many different styles of music so a lot of the time I see loads of YouTube video’s from Justin and other YouTube teachers and by the time I get to playing not a lot of things come out. I need to structure myself more and just focus on 1 thing at a time. I am very happy to be a part of this community!

Greetings and best wishes to you all! :smiley:


No worries Inge!

Welcome (back :D)!

It’s good to learn some more about you Inge. In a busy life like yours, it can work to have your guitar handy so you get 5 - 10 minutes here and there throughout the day. You could allocate a section of Justin’s practice recommendations for each of these. These small practice sessions will add up and it means you keep learning and progressing.

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No need for apologies and great you have found a local teacher and Justin. If you need structure you have that here with his progressive structured pathway, use that and supplement that with your 121 lessons and I think you will get mega benefits from both. Enjoy the ride.



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Hi Inge, I don’t think you’ve done anything rude at all. It’s great to learn a little about your background and your learning journey. Are you still doing live lessons, too? If you’ve got a good instructor then I can definitely see a lot of potential benefits from the combination of live and virtual lessons. I’d guess the biggest challenge there is time-management. Looking forward to seeing you around here!

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Hi Inge, welcome!

Glad you are hanging around, keep at it and you’ll soon see some progress!

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Thanks for sharing your background, Inge, lovely to know people in the Community a little better.

Your combination of Justin and a face-face teacher sounds ideal. Will be useful to get direct feedback from your teacher watching you play, to pick up on any bad habits, poor technique etc.

I think it will serve you well to focus and just work methodically lesson by lesson through the modules of Grade 1 and 2. Stick to that diligently and in time (doesn’t matter how much) you will lay a solid foundation to play guitar.

Along the way will come songs and I suggest you work on songs with your teacher that are picked to support your learning with JustinGuitar.

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Hell Inge and welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

As David has already said, great to have someone there to help you along the way.

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Welcome Inge,
That’s a great combination to have - a live local teacher, so you are doing playing in “real time” and can see what you are doing right and wrong
and Justin’s lessons which is having access to probably the best teacher and structured courses on the planet
Everyone here in the community is super supportive too
Good luck!


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! It’s so great that this community is here! :smiley: