Hi I’m Kae I’m in UK Bath. Lush to be here. Can’t wait to start playing and listening with you.
I’ve been playing for years. I pick it up and put it back down, never truly progressing.
But I’m all in and loving it! Rather addicted now.
I’ve used Justins app for so many years and only just discovered this community . Random! I only play by myself( that sounds rude … I’ve just started taking my skills out to share. So looking forward to meeting new buddies and be part of this community.
Welcome back Kae, I did say it was a big community and I can see you are around and about so there you go you just learn and enjoy now, see you later cheers Hec
Hi Kae, and again welcome It is best to look around it is a big community and lots going on with a few moderators hanging around to and Justin pops in now and again, so take your time feel free to ask for help there is no hassle here cheers Hec
One way to share is to get involved with the Open Mikes that the Community hosts.
I haven’t ever been part, but others who have or one of the forum moderators like @Richard_close2u or @DavidP may help!
Welcome, justin is amazing. You will find this community is as well. I am very thankful that I found these fine people to help in my journey. I am glad you found it as well.