Hi. I'm Bryan - I have just arrived here as a new Blues Immersion member

I’m 56, been playing for 6 years. (I learned to open chords as a kid, but then drifted away…)

Right now I’m living the dream – retired early, and when I’m not driving my kids around, I’m playing in my basement or in a band with some other old folks in my town. We just had out first gig (12 songs in somebody’s backyard), and we’ve got another coming up in a couple weeks.

I’ve been fighting a number of injuries, basically since I started. I’ve had elbow tendinitis, a frozen shoulder, more cortizone shots than I can count, and hand surgery (trigger finger). But still going. And doing it a little smarter now… Warming up, drinking water, taking breaks, stretching, etc.

Anyway, I came over to this area to post a recording of myself (as per instructions in the Blues Immersion intro), but I couldn’t figure out how, so I decided to just introduce myself. :slight_smile:

So, cheers,



Welcome to the forum Bryan


Hey Bryan, welcome to the forum, that’s awesome progress. Great to hear of others living the dream. It’s such a great reward for what seems like huge effort at the start but ends up being so very well worth it.


Welcome Bryan :slight_smile:

It’s great to see a new face in the community. We are really welcoming.

I also registered to the Blues Immersion course so we will continue to see each other. It will be a great project. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

It’s fun to see that you are having fun with the folks in your town while playing live !

Rock on !

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Hi Bryan
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
Keep the dream alive :smiley: :sunglasses:

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Welcome aboard Bryan and congrats on early retirement and joining the BLIM :smiley:

The easiest way is to use your mobile phone or webcam to record a video of yourself playing +/- singing.
Upload that to YouTube (It’s easy to create an account if you don’t have one already).
Make sure you have the setting on public or unlisted (not private).
Then go to Audio-Video Of You Playing - JustinGuitar Community
Click the New Topic button.
Give your post a title and add some background information if you wish
Paste the YouTube link for your video and Hey Presto! You’re on your way to stardom :sunglasses:
(You can alternatively share a link to Dropbox on your PC if you don’t want to YT)

Ah, I see this is a specific BLIM thing so my above drivel is superfluous :roll_eyes: :laughing:
Never mind, I’ll leave it here as a testimony to my lack of insight :rofl:


Hi Bryan
Welcome to the community :smiley:
Congratulations on early retirement! It does sound like you’re living the dream
All the best for the Blues Immersion, you’re going to have a blast :slightly_smiling_face: :guitar: :sunflower:

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Welcome again Bryan, good to see you made it over to the thread. Over and above BLIM when its gets going you’ll find this Community a wealth of knowledge and support.


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Welcome to the community Bryan congrats of dreamy retirement.

About uploading your performance I saw a thread which said there will be a special area for the BlIM’s members to upload to, wait for more explanations on that latter.

All the best… Chris

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Welcome to the community Bryan!

welcome :slight_smile:

Hi Bryan, I’m Linden and have lots less experience than you though I’m used to gigging with the ukulele! I first learned a bit of classical guitar age 14 or so then life and exams got in the way (though I always tinkered but with no lessons I wasn’t learning anything new) until I was 60 and decided I would follow my lifelong ambition and learn properly. I had some lessons, followed Justin, had more lessons then found my current tutor who is brilliant - plus filling in with Justin’s lessons too. I love the blues and am looking forward to the course.

Welcome Bryan, hope you have fun :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Bryan! I’ve just signed up for BLIM too :blush:

Good to meet you Bryan, welcome! :slight_smile:

Hi Bryan, welcome to the community forum.

Hello Bryan
Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.


Thanks Richard!