Hi I'm Chu - resuming my learning after 22 years!

Hi, I’m Chu, from Western Australia. I learnt guitar from a professional teacher when I was a youngster; starting off with basic chords and then moving on to some music theory and some classical playing. Then I left high school and stopped guitar lessons and stopped learning; this was in 2001.

In 2019 my father invited me to start a sea shanty band with him, I would play guitar (chords) on some songs. So I bought my first new guitar in years (Fender California Player) and fell in love with it. Looking at other guitarists on Youtube I got somewhat envious of their skill, particularly playing in other styles and playing further up the neck.

I’ve got a two-year-old toddler and I want to be a hands-on dad, so I don’t really have consistent amounts of spare time for formal lessons, which is why I resolved to learn through online lessons. I can take them after my son goes to bed, or even during a lunch break. After hearing about Justin’s course and seeing that it’s very structured and free to start exploring, I dived in and here I am! Hoping to learn some tricks and respark my enthusiasm for the instrument and learn to play some nice stuff. Justin seems like a great teacher and I’m pretty sure I’ll learn a lot from him.

I’d also like to record my own playing, for posterity in my family. But before that I have to become a better guitarist. And, haha, maybe a better singer too…

Thanks for listening.


Hi Chu,
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
I will looking forward to AVOYP…don’t wait too long with that, it’s much more fun to follow the process from the "beginning ":smiley: (although you must have a good basis, and a lot more than most of us when we started)…growth is nice to see, if I want to hear artists who have arrived I’ll put on a CD :wink:

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Welcome to the forum Chu

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Hello Chu :slightly_smiling_face:

a very warm welcome from another newbie.

It’s great that you started learning again after 22 years. Sounds familiar to me :wink:
You have found the perfect place here, and very soon you’ll learn lots of new tricks.

Have great fun on your musical journey. I’m sure your family will love listening to your songs. :guitar:

Cheers from Germany :smiley:

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Hey Chu, welcome to the forums. Great to hear from another Aussie, a few of us around here. If you can find just 10 minutes a day to play you’ll progress. It’s heaps of fun and lots of great stuff from Justin. Look forward to hearing more from you. We toured through WA for many months last year, what a great part of Australia.

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Hi Chu, welcome to the community. I took a 45 year break from the guitar and restarted with Justin. The learning structure, the techniques, and the amount of material he provides has been keeping me energized and progressing for over 3 years now. I have 4 yr old grandson who sees and hears me playing. Perhaps one day he’ll want to play with me :blush:
Enjoy both journeys!

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Welcome Chu!
Justin’s course has been really good for me so far, I am close to retiring but still “time challenged” when it comes to practicing… the Play at your own Pace feeling really works well for my circumstances!

Good luck!


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Welcome aboard, Chu! Nice to have you around here. :slight_smile:

You’re in good company here, a lot of us started out sometime ago, had breaks (some longer, some shorter) and now we’re here for quite similar reasons. It’s always great to know you’re not alone. :smiley: I had an on/off-relationship with my guitar for a decade or so, but now following Justin’s course for almost 3/4 of a year.

You probably have a solid ground to build on, so I wish you lots of enjoyment while re-learning and refreshing your guitar playing! :slight_smile:

Cheers - Lisa

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Hello Chu and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Are you still part of the sea shanty band?

Enjoy your guitar adventure.

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Hi Chu,

Welcome sure you crack it in no time.


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Good to meet you Chu, welcome!! Hope you’re having an awesome time with the course and it’s great to read you’ve had your enthusiasm kicked up again, you certainly will learn a lot!
Have fun :slight_smile:

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. I’ve read a few testimonials of people who’ve taken breaks in their guitar journey and have come here, so that’s pretty cool. I’ve also told my father about the site as I think he’d like to continue learning.

I’m not still in the shanty band, that imploded shortly before Covid and there are no other shanty groups near our area; the closest is about an hour’s drive away. I still really enjoy that music though. It was fun singing and playing in a group, we performed a few times at the very first Albany Folk ‘n’ Shanty Festival.


Thanks for visiting WA; are you in a band or are you a solo act?

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I’ll be sure to AVOYP when I’m improved (and thanks for the encouragement!) :smiley:

This is a clip from a livestream my father and I did in early 2020, where I play and sing I Am Australian: I Am Australian - YouTube


Chu :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: !!!
You can sing and play there…shake the rust off and :boom: :dizzy:

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Welcome, Chu. I am sure you’ll do well here, Lots of help from friendly people!

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More like a campfire hack! We were doing the big lap in our caravan, managed to score a $50 tip from another camper when I played some tunes in a campground in Albany, made my day.

I’ve played in groups formed at music gatherings, mostly play solo, some times my wife joins me for several songs.

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Hi Chu, welcome to the community. I saw your video and you already have a good start with playing and singing. Have fun learning new techniques and songs.

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Hi Chu, welcome. Good the guitar and you crossed paths again. All the time spent with your son is well spent time and cannot be replaced later. It creates bonds that can help both of you to maintain a good relation later in life. Practice using whatever spare time you can have and you’ll keep improving. Good playing and singing in that video you made. And what a wonderful time singing together with your dad.

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Hello Chu. Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. I’m arriving late to the hello and welcome party.
It seems to me you’ve got many things sorted and planned in your learning (should I say relearning?) - good stuff.
There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything else.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.