Hi there! I'm Dave (aka Crow) from Spain

Thanks a lot! Justin’s dashboard and routine module are actually helping a lot to organise what I want to improve. I hope to get a lot better a few years from now and reach Course 7 in a year or so


Hi Dave. Welcome to this amazing community which I have only recently joined myself. In terms of tips, I would ask:-
What is holding you back?
What does your dream look/feel like, for guitar
Do you feel good when you play?
Are you passionate about playing and if so how does that make you feel?
If you can get into understanding these they may help you build a compelling vision of success. I do a lot of coaching and the mind is a powerful tool. Try and harness it to your advantage.
I wish you all the luck in the world. I’m sure the community will have some great tips for you. Pick that :guitar: up and make it sing​:sunglasses:


Thanks for your input Angie! My main goal is to improve as much as I can, maybe join a band if I’m able to, and write some songs for myself. The problem is I’m a procrastinator, as you might have already read, and I’m working on improving that with a bit of a change in my mindset.
I appreciate you stopping by and will definitely make my guitar sing every day till my last one :guitar::notes:

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Hi Crow and a belated welcome !

Good to have you here and the right place to restart your journey.
Plenty of helpful around, so just shout out whenever you have a questions.




Hi Crow welcome. You passed from structured learning with in person lessons to self learning with the help of online resources. Self learning requires taking ownership of your learning. You are the one who has to structure your practice. If your other interests pull you harder than the guitar but you want still to play rock guitar find specific days and times for each one. You may be tempted to look for shortcuts in your learning but taking a quick look at lessons you suspect are below your current skills may still provide you with ways to perfect what you already know and gain some other skills on the way up. It is important what Justin says about differentiating playing and practicing. You practice what you don’t know and you play what you already know. Enjoy playing guitar but also spend some time in improving your skills following the lessons and practicing the exercises.


Welcome Crow,

Great opportunity to to focus on guitar we all struggle I know the feeling as its hard to get over the next hurdle but as others have said take your time find some easy songs give yourself a boost playing these and have project songs you can improve not forgetting the technical practice.
