Hi, this is Katja!

Hi everyone,

Nice to meet you!

My name is Katja. I’m 38 and I live in Germany. I stumbled upon Justin’s lessons when I bought my first guitar around the year 2010. I’ve always loved the instrument, but I wasn’t dedicated to practice. I only learned some open chords and a few strumming patterns.

In 2012, I met Ste (@Digger72) in the old justinguitar forum. Seriously, one of the best things that ever happened to me. We became good friends and soon started to record songs. We still do. You may know us as The Comfortably Strange. If you don’t, feel free to give us a check out.

Anyway, my voice has been my main instrument ever since. I quit guitar in 2013, I believe. Earlier this year, I decided to get back into it. I should finish grade 1 of Justin’s beginner course in August. Let’s see if I can tackle barre chords this time…


Hi Katja,
How wonderful to “meet” you and put a face to that amazing voice that I have fallen a little in love with… We…my wife and I…listen to your songs more than once,


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Welcome to the forum, Katja :grinning:

Wait, no barre chords are introduced in Grade 1 yet? :nerd_face: Seriously though I understand all too well what you mean, I guess, since for many, many years I thought I will never be able to play barre chords. Now, slowly, very very slowly things are beginning to move into the right direction.

“Comfortably Numb” … I remember someone posted a link to your songs here once. Hmm… I subscribed and forgot about it again. I’m listening to"Sweet dreams" as I’m writing. Really good cover and I agree with @roger_holland : Your voice is amazing :smiley:

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Hi Katja, I remember your singing from back at the old forum! If I recall correctly Digger posted several of your collaborations, all of which were very impressive! It’s great to see you here, and with a guitar :blush:
Keep at it this time, the new course is very good we seem to be getting more beginners posting creditable music here!
Good luck with your journey, stick with it this time and definitely some singing at some stage!

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Welcome to the forum Katja. I’ve have followed you and Digger since Digger started posting your music on the old forum. So I guess this should be welcome back.

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Lovely to meet you here, Katja. Like the others who’ve already welcomed you, I have been enjoying the songs produced by yourself and Digger for as long as I can remember. Your vocals are always outstanding, an absolute delight.

Wish you well with getting back into guitar. I am sure with time and practise you can achieve barre chords and more beyond.

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Hi Katja.
Welcome back.
It’s great that you’ve gone back to learning guitar again to add to your vocal talents.

FAO anyone unfamiliar with The Comfortably Strange, Ste (@Digger72) has been sharing recordings here:


Very nice to see you resurface here!
Drop me a line some day!

Everybody should check The Comfortably Strange!
I fell in love with Katja’s voice a looong time ago and I’m still baffled by her timbre and expression. Together with @Digger72, who provides mostly instruments and arrangements, they make such cool things! Still got some of the TCS tunes echoing in my mind now and then!

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Welcome, Katja. I hadn’t seen your recordings before, I’ll check them out later. (Right now, I have to go sand and stain a door.)

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Hey Katja. great to finally meet you after all these years. Its also wonderful that you are taking up the guitar again and as you well know no better place to be.

You and @digger have provided us with years of delight with the music of Comfortably Strange, from your covers to original material. I cannot recall any of your recordings being disappointing and as I’ve said to Ste on many occasions your vocals are exquisite, enchanting and guaranteed to give you goose bumps, so a big thank you from me for sharing such a wonderful talent,

Big big welcome to the forum. :wave:


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Hi Katja and “Herzlich Willkommen!” :smiley:

Great to finally meet the person behind the lovely voice of The Comfortably Strange! Glad to have you here (again)! :slight_smile: You and Ste @Digger72 have a real great collab going on and I always enjoyed your offerings. Keep’em coming! :smiley:

It’s great you give guitar another go, I wish you best of luck and most of all lots of fun on the learning journey. Don’t fear the barre chords. :sweat_smile:

Cheers from another German - Lisa

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Welcome to the community Katja!

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Hey Katja, welcome to the community!

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Hey Katja, I’ve heard a few songs of your collab projects, beautiful voice and great productions. I wish you lots of fun with your guitar journey!


Katja, what a great surprise! I was (and still am) mainly a lurker around here, but your and Digger’s Soundcloud accounts were the ones that I subscribed to back in the day!

Great to hear you’re coming back to playing as well! Looking forward to hearing more music from you :)!

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Hello Katja,

I just discovered your music, and really love it, it reminds me some P. J. Harvey’s songs, a style I like a lot, yours even more as it sounds “Rockier” to me (16 Candles, wow!).

I wish you to have as pleasant a guitar discovery as I have

– Gyall

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Hi Katja!

Welcome back to the community! :smiley:

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Hi Katja, Nice to meet you, too. I live in Germany as well, in the southeast. As a migrant from the north, I’m tempted to say that this region doesn’t seem to be truly part of Germany.
How can you possibly eat sausages made from the head of a calf or pig? :astonished:
This is of course subjective and could be considered culturally insensitive :joy: . Locals like @Helen0609 may have a different opinion about that. :wink: :smile:

On a serious note, wishing you lots of fun and success with your guitar adventure, especially with the barre chords!


There is a song in that somewhere Franz !


Thank you all for the warm welcome! :smiling_face:
Good to see some familiar names. Great to see some ladies as well! We were underrepresented in the old forum.