Holding On (Original Song)

I wrote this song over the weekend. Guess I’m feeling the impact of time since my oldest is off to college in two months. LOL. i hope you like it and look forward to the comments and feedback.


Loved it Tosh. Beautifully played and a nice story told with the lyrics. Big thumbs :+1: up from me.

Great writing, there is room and freedom for the words to be phrased.
You captured the bittersweet melancholy.

Delivery and vibe has got “The Man In Black” all over it, I’m surprised you didn’t use that black guitar behind you :wink:

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+1 on Lieven’s comment above. ^^
Great stuff Tosh. Well done.

Nicely done Tosh :clap: :clap: I like it! I have a 14 year old, so I’m sure those feelings will creep up for me at some point too. Probably sooner than I expect :wink:

Is this your first original? If so, congrats! Writing songs is kind of addicting and if you keep at it, before long you’ll end up with binders full of them :wink: or maybe that’s just me :laughing: