Hotel California Solo Progress - 1st (Nearly) Full Playthrough

Hi folks, I joined a while ago now and whilst I’ve fallen off of the course slightly I’ve still been picking up the guitar and learning some stuff on my own.

There are a lot of bum notes and some fumbling on the strings but this is the first time I’ve been able to play the solo start to finish in some capacity, which is something I didn’t think I would be able to do when I first decided to try it out.

Super happy to have even managed to get to this stage in learning it and a lot more practice to go to clean things up but it’s a major milestone in my playing and my motivation for continuing to pick the guitar up!

If you guys have any tips for me to improve my playing please feel free to share.


Nicely done!

I noticed on your bends, you tend to use your fingers alone to push the strings, rather than your whole hand - it might help you nail some of those notes a bit easier if you practice the “proper” way, see e.g.



You have some parts quite well rehearsed and it’s very recognisable. The phrases that are less well performed should perhaps be practiced in isolation then built back into fuller play-throughs. An enjoyable listen!



Well done Gary not far to go there mate cheers Hec

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