Hound Dog by Elvis Presley Lesson

Learn to play Hound Dog by Elvis Presley on JustinGuitar!

View the full lesson at Hound Dog by Elvis Presley | JustinGuitar

What is a good beginner tempo for this song?

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This is such a fun song, and one of the first that really clicked for me. Thank you Justin

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This is my first post here. I hope that this is correct place to share cover of this song and ask questions. This song has 3 chords A, E and D. How do I stop unused strings? I play all string when I play E chord. When I play A chord, I don’t play 6th string. When I play D chord, I do not play 5th and 6th strings.

Are my chord changes good?

Should I always stop A chord at end of section? I keep playing it during solo.

And what are 2 last chords?

Here is a link: https://youtu.be/p-LTu_e4uT8?si=AvfSQ3W4QjzjIYjO


Hello @Metal123 and welcome to the community.
Posting a recording under a song lesson topic is 100% fine.
We also have a bigger, more general area for recordings here if you want to continue with this good habit of sharing, and / or asking for feedback. Community Recordings - JustinGuitar Community

Muting open strings for chords comes with practice and experience and you need to focus your attention on your strumming hand so that the strum action is accurate and only hits the wanted strings. Reducing the size of the arc your arm and hand swing through is a good step. Your are making good progress based on that recording.
The final two chords are a bluesy-finish playing two chords one-fret apart.
A#7 → A7.
You won’t have learned shapes for these yet but you can do both on 4 strings like so:

e - 4 - 3
B - 3 - 2
G - 3 - 2
D - 3 - 2
A - x - x
E - x - x
Your 1st finger barres across the D, G and B strings as you grab the e string with a different finger - what ever feels comfortable.
I hope that helps. Cheers :smiley: | Richard | JustinGuitar Approved Teacher, Official Guide & Moderator


To play along with the record you need Capo 3

if i put the capo on, do i then use these chord shapes from the video? or work out the shapes to play the ADE using the caged/capo for 2 system?

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You use the shapes in the video.

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ok. so… (can you hear my brain cogs working? ) its actually in G-C-D with the capo on?

To play along with the record you need Capo 3

If I put the capo on, do i then use these chord shapes from the video?

You use the shapes in the video.

Ok, so… (can you hear my brain cogs working? ) its actually in G-C-D with the capo on?

A = 1
D = IV
E = V

A + 3 semitones = ?
D + 3 semitones = ?
E + 3 semitones = ?

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sorry. capo-for-two but on capo 3. doh.

A+3 = C
D+3 = F
E+3 = G

which makes sense, the capo is 3 frets/semi tones up. so the chords are all moved up 3. got it.

and then looking at justins chart, re-reading the instructions i think i had it back to front.

The top row of chords in the grey cells are those you may be aiming to play

so i need to play these shapes with cap-3

A shape for C
D shape for F
E shape for G

which are, low and behold. the same shapes from justins lesson without capo. it joins up :upside_down_face:. right?

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