How Stop Sound Bleeding Across Tracks

Ironically see my latest post

The Noise Gate both in OBS and in the signal chain or in my case AI aux send/return does the trick. What I would try is the Noise Gate on the Zoom Multistomp directly after the mic but I donā€™t have the right XLR to 1/4" jack cableā€¦or given the plethora of cables Iā€™ve collected, not had the patience to dig one out. CBA rules !

Your Mic position in this is quite different to mine. The Mic is very close to your mouth and as you are standing the guitar is almost at 90deg below. Iā€™m guessing that as the mic is that close your input level is also fairly low to achieve the correct level.
My mic was a fair way back and as such my input level was almost at max on the AI. When I get chance I am going to try this theory out and see what the difference is.

@TheMadman_tobyjenner i did see your other post go up and read with interest. Definitely something to explore if positional changes do not improve things.


Mic position changed to a more tradition angle.

Iā€™ll drop some audio level screenshots in the OBS thread as thatā€™s seems to have done the job and may benefit others.