How to make my Tele neck slicker

I’m having a dabble with a song and it requires me to slide a chord up the neck but I’m finding that both the front and back don’t slide anywhere near as well as my other guitars.

Is there anyway I can get it a bit slicker? This is what the neck and board is.

NECK WOOD: Hard-Rock Maple w/ Maple board

Thanks. :slight_smile:

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**sniff, sniff… does anyone else smell gas? :thinking: :wink:


Is it a gloss nitro or something?

I’d be tempted to lightly sand it (the back of the neck, you cant do anything about the fretboard)

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Hope this helps

Edit…I was just a little late again, I see :grin:


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As you can see, Stefan, we are immediately available for you with all kinds of golden advice :laughing:
Sorry :innocent:

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@brianlarsen :rofl: :rofl: Not at this moment in time. :stuck_out_tongue:

@RobDickinson I’m not sure Rob, it wasn’t an expensive guitar by any means. Do less expensive guitars come with that and would I also sand down the fretboard a little too?

@roger_holland Not at all Rogier, it is in a foreign tongue that I do not speak. :stuck_out_tongue:

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No dont do that, maple fret boards need to be sealed.

Gloss necks, if its shiny, tend to be stickier than matte necks , so a very light sand to make it smooth might help.

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Thank you Rob, I’ll give that a go.


Hey Stefan,

I’d keep the scourers away from your guitar. They’re for kitchen or the garage.

Buy some Finger Ease. Been around for over 50 years. About 10 bucks. Spray a bit on the neck, and polish with a cloth. Takes literally 10 seconds. I also spray a bit on my fretting fingers/ thumb too sometimes. The can lasts forever too, so cheap as chips.
Works a treat and won’t damage your guitar. I use it with my maple neck Tele all the time. Good stuff.

Cheers, Shane


Hi Stefan,
If you get some very fine 3M polishing paper 30 micron 400 grit and lightly sand the rear of the neck, that will do it.
You can also check out ‘Know Your Gear. com’ the guy knows what he is talking about and search for neck sanding, or something, there will be a video.

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+1 for finger ease, I use it too and works a treat. No need to sand the neck.

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You could always try one of these if you don’t want to alter guitar in any way. Could also be an interesting look to your guitar performing image.:wink:

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My first electric - an Epiphone LP 100 - had that problem.

I very lightly rubbed the back of the neck with fine steel wool, and it was much improved.

That said, the Finger Ease treatment sounds like a much better option.

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Scotchbrite pads are the way

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But only in the kitchen or garage :wink:

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Thank you for the replies everyone. I think I will give the finger ease a try first then. I didn’t even know you could get a product for such things.

@Alan_1970 MJ plays the guitar huh. Schmon! :smiley:

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