Howdy and Hola from a Texan in the Canary Islands of Spain

Howdy and Hola! I am a WAHM of two in my 30s from Texas now living in the Canary Islands of Spain.
I grew up playing guitar but never advanced much past a Grade 1 or so. Life got in the way, and then I sold all my guitars to move overseas.
Last year, my husband got me a guitar, and I have been playing (Taylor Swift, mainly) off and on all year. Recently, he got himself a new bass and drum set (the previous ones also had to be sold to move), and suddenly, I got a renewed passion for the guitar. I decided to advance my skills, and after trying a few teachers, Justin is EXACTLY what I was looking for! I am working my way through Grade 2. I just got a new guitar and am now even more excited!

Fender Redondo Player Belmont Blue acoustic electric - my new baby
Gretsch 3/4 acoustic
Gibson Les Paul (Okay, that one is really my husband’s, but it is fun to steal it sometimes)


Hello Melodie! Welcome to the community.

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Hi Melodie,

Nice to meet you, good luck with the guitar journey.
Canary Islands, sounds very appealing right now.
Best wishes,


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Welcome to the forum Melodie

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Welcome aboard, Melodie! :slight_smile:

Great that you got back at guitar and are motivated to push through. Even better, you and your husband can make some music together as well, great stuff. :smiley:

Wish you loads of fun on your guitar journey.

Cheers - Lisa

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Hi Melodie,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of Fun :sunglasses:

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Welcome to the forum. I still fondly remember my family’s first of many visits to Texas when I was about 7. We all came home wearing cowboy hats.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hey Melodie welcome to JG Used to live on Tenerife a long time ago, beautiful islands!

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small world, eh?

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What’s a WAHM?

Welcome aboard, Melodie, and with your name it would be a travesty not to go down the musical path. I hope you enjoy your time here :smiley:

Justin is exactly what everyone needs! :wink:

According to Urban Dictionary it’s a

  1. Work at home Mom
  2. What A Hot Mum
  3. an inside joke that confuses someone

Ya takes your choices :rofl:

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Hi Melodie, welcome to the Community, enjoy the ride. I had a great break in Lanzarote (Playa Blanca) in October last year. I envy you the sunshine!!!

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Hi Melodie, welcome to the community forum.

Hi Melodie, welcome. Good you are now set up to continue you guitar learning path. When I moved to Canada many years ago, my guitar playing stopped for several year until I got again a guitar. Have fun.

Hello Melodie. Welcome to JustinGuitar and this fantastic community. Please take your time to look around and get to know the wider space.

We are a supportive and encouraging group of students and guitarists from across the world. Essentially, we are all here for music and to improve as players. We truly are a ‘community’. Members help and support one another and a friendly, positive attitude underpins this. We hope that all - young or old, experienced or new players - adopt and foster the pay-it-forward ethos that Justin personifies and embedded all those years ago when he started the website and forum.

Also, please make sure to read the community etiquette announcement for some important information and guidance.
