Hullo from Surrey

Fairly new guitarist here.
I grew up in a family that was [and is still] convinced that you’re either a natural musician or you can’t do it at all.
So most of my life I spent loving listening to music, but not playing any.
One of my kids was given a ukulele a few years ago, and in lockdown I started messing around with it. To my shock, I found out that actually it wasnt that hard to learn. And I got an 8-strong and a banjolele and a couple of electric ukes.
Then my wife decided she should do some music too so she got a keyboard. And I learnt to plonk out chords and songs on that too for fun.
And I’ve been playing in pub playalong events, and the piano at my office.
In the last few months I bought a Blackstar carry-on guitar because I thought it looked fun and reminded me of a guitalele I’d seen someone play.
And then I sort of thought, well if Im going to learn guitar I might as well do it. So I bought a couple East Coast guitars [acoustic and electric] from Andertons.
And I’ve been following along Justinguitar lessons and having fun.
Basic cowboy chords are mostly fine [I learnt some finger dexterity from uke playing] but barres are tricky. SO MUCH more pressure needed than even electric ukes. And scales are much harder.
It’s been great fun so far though.
I’m looking to get better, and hopefully find some people to play live with.


Welcome Tommy. Barre chords should not be that much more pressure. Are you sure the action is not too high? Enjoy the journey whatever. :smiley:

Hello Tommy, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.
So great, how many instruments you’re able to play - despite your family’s conviction :smiley:.
I wish you lots of fun with your new guitars :star_struck:.

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Welcome to the forum Tommy

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Welcome Tommy. It looks like you are on the right path, just keep practicing. :slight_smile:

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Hi Tommy, welcome to the community forum. Barre chords take time to master, but fortunately for me there is a lot that you can do with open chords and some fancy strumming that i have picked up from Justin’s song lessons. Have fun with all your new guitars.

Hi Tommy
welcome to the community :smiling_face: :sunflower:

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Hi Tommy ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and a long life of playing and be a musician :sunglasses:

Such a pity to read this, I often read it and sometimes hear it also around me, all those people have forgotten how hard they had to practice themselves with a difficult instrument and have spent thousands of hours practicing and now pretend that they are natural talents who could play well after a couple of months :cry:
