Hurting fingers - guitar gloves

Get some gloves on Amazon (Guitar gloves), you can practice MUCH longer!

No, don’t do that. Building calluses doesn’t take all that long. Unless you have some medical condition that necessitates using gloves, it’s a bad thing to get used to IMO.

Think about it. Have you ever seen a good guitarist wearing a glove?


Please no Nancy!! My namesake Mark makes a good point :slightly_smiling_face:

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Using gloves when learning after you’ve played to a point where pain is stopping you practicing is fine.


Fair enough rob and if it works for someone it works, but I can imagine you lose a lot of the early stages of developing the feel of how hard your fretting and moving fingers for chord changes etc.

If I could play like Joe I’d suffer it :wink: (but damn it looks and sounds bad for him)


As a beginner, it is crucial to get in touch with the strings directly for some various reasons:

You need to feel, how much pressure is needed to fret the note/string to ring out as wanted. You “feel” the closeness to the frets, develop an idea how it feels to slide up and down on the strings.
Further, you’ll prevent yourself from developing callouses at all.

So my advice would be: Use them sparely, i.e. if fingers hurt too much to continue practice. Don’t think it’s reasonable to wear them all the time, though.

@RobDickinson Oh Jeez, poor Joe. That looks like hell of pain. :woozy_face: this is definitely a reason to wear those gloves. But I fear, wearing them will not enable one to play like Satriani. :joy:

The calluses still build up in spite of the gloves. I used to play professionally, but it’s been a long while. I’m 80 years old & won’t even get thru the 1st lesson if I have to wait for the calluses! After the calluses build, I’ll stop & use my bare naked fingers!


It allows me to play a whole lot longer & I don’t like to stop! Without the glove, it will actually be easier. Right now, I’m into quantity (playing time) versus appearance.

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I have a feeling Joe Satriani plays several orders of magnitude more than most of us put together.


Go for it then Nancy, far be it from me to discourage playing more!!

Whatever works for you and Welcome.


Basically, the glove is for practice & I have a feeling I’m not going to be too many gigs anymore…but you never know!


you definitely never know :smiley:
Welcome to the community Nancy :hugs: :sunflower:

I’m now on Beginner Grade 2, module 13. Could never have done it without the gloves! Even when I play a long time without the gloves (& I’ve got my calluses!), sometimes those gloves have just got to go on. I’ve found that u have to use the tips of ur fingers for the strings which is a good thing; I get sloppy sometimes without them on which is most of the time.

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I had no idea they made gloves to wear for playing guitar.
So I just did it the old fashion way. I let my fingertips get callouses.
I can play for hours usually. But will say my finger tips do hurt a bit after that much playing.
I stop playing before my finger tips are shredded though.

If my finger tips hurt after playing.
I pet my soft cat and my finger tips feel better after the petting. + my cat likes the big pet so it’s a win win…
Rinse, repeat… :wink: