Hi. I’m looking to hear from someone with a similar path to orient my practice schedule and expectations.
As a background, I’ve followed JG a few years ago and got up to module 5. By module 4/5, I was skipping a little so I don’t think I’ve retained and I’ve certainly been out of practice for a while.
Since then, I would learn a song or two, get bored, then take a break. I think I’m at the advanced beginner stage and with some consistency can be more comfortable with jamming along with someone.
I’m looking for a more structured approach to make steady progress, but I don’t really know what to practice. I looked at the Justin lessons/modules on practice but was wondering if anyone would share their practice schedule who is in a similar position.
Goals: 20-30 minute practice sessions ~3-4 times per week. 50% of that time is focused on learning songs and the rest on everything else. Right hand technique/rhythm is definitely a weakness.
Below is what I’ve come up with. Is it a better idea to go back to module 3 and restart there? Any other specific techniques/exercises to work on? I have the practical music theory course and can add that in as well.
-Warm up 2 mins- finger exercises
Theory 10mins- (can pick 1-2 techniques per session)
-basic chord construction CAGED. Learn how the major in minor cords are formed example intervals, cord shapes.
Scale patterns. Practice major scale in different positions on the fret board.
Intervals. Play intervals across different strings.
chord Progressions. Analyze common chord progressions in songs
time signatures. Practice, different strumming patterns, in different time signatures.
I will say that I’m not a huge fan of overly structured practice. I play guitar for fun, not because I want it to be a career or livelihood. So if something isn’t taking me towards a specific goal, then I’ll lose interest fast.
So for me, playing songs is what I want to do. So if there’s something to learn, I want it to be in the context of a song as my goal. I’m nowhere near ready to figure this out myself, so that’s why I pay for lessons (I do both online and in-person lessons) for someone to tell me to learn this next and here is the song where I will apply it.
I definitely agree it’s worthwhile to revisit things you’ve worked on in the past. It freshens your memory, gives you a chance to apply newer skills to them, maybe add new things to them, and so on.
I am condolidating 3 and done everyting in 4 except the blues stuff. Mostly because power chords were super easy for me. And rythem is everything. I have a lot of different things in mine practice include items i made myself I took a screen cap of it. Let just explain things like transcribing is not ever session. I try and do that at least 2 or 3 times a week. The Triad work is part of the Theory class, I think 4.2
Also the green sleeves and rolling is the same so i need to cut that out. There is also stuff from level 4 and i might even have a level 2 item in there. Because its tricky for me, might be that individual strings one. Also I use the notes and add my own links. I also work on songs and do include them in the practice scedual. Same with extra theory and all sorts of stuff is off the ‘books’ so to say.
I still have not compleatly finalized my consolidation practice. I work on this often.
The interest piece is super important. I have to be working on a song, otherwise it does get stale. As I figured, I’ll go back to consolidate some knowledge and work on grade 3 songs before advancing again. Thanks for the input
We all have days when things don’t quite go to plan, Saif.
All I would add is always try to finish on a positive , something you know really well; eg. a tune, riffs, or arpeggios that are not necessarily on your practise schedule.