I didn't get an email notification about BLIM live class #2f

Was there a notification about this livestream? I didn’t see one and I missed it

Yes. It was posted here and email was also sent.

Timsters I didn’t get the email either. Hopefully they get us included in the emails next time.:crossed_fingers:

Hmm wonder if we need to turn on notifications somewhere :thinking:, got a notification that @Socio sent me a message

Tim, check out this topic and this topic regarding community notifications.

Thanks @Socio so this right? This is all a bit new to me. I haven’t used the site before:

I’m not sure about community announcements, there are BLIM emails about the BLIM things. They come in like the regular JustinGuitar emails. I didn’t have to do anything special to get them other than sign up for BLIM.

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Hey all!

Sorry for any trouble and missed emails.

To ensure you get our email notifications, please check if you’re subscribed to our Monthly newsletter on your Dashboard:

If this is turned on but you’re still not getting emails - please reach out to blim@justinguitar.com so we can re-active your subscription.


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