I have to confess ... I love bass

Oh, and Bobby Vega.

I had the privilege of a front row seat at the London Bass Guitar Show in 2018 where Bobby was interviewed by Scott Devine.



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I may be about to commit genre-busting sacrilege after reading all of these comments, but my favorite bass playing style is slap bass, and Marcus Miller is one of my favorites.

I love bass tooā€¦


I wanted to be in a band so I learnt bass before guitar because it ā€œonly has 4 strings, so it must be easierā€
Not true!
You still need some music theory to be effective. And learning when NOT to play during a song is just as important.
It can be subtle or loud, it depends on the song. Even within the same song!
No reason not to learn alongside the guitar - Iā€™m doing the same!



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You got that in one Brian, Carol Kay is legendary! And yes sheā€™s amazingly good!
However, I would argue that Jaco was the best :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Actually, I had heard of Carol Kaye.

I think that her relative obscurity is down to her being a session musician, as well as being a bassist (who tend to be lesser known than lead singers and guitar players in famous bands).

On the former point, before I started learning guitar I wouldnā€™t have known who Steve Lukather or Tim Pierce were.

On the latter point, a professional musician friend of mine once challenged me to name 10 famous bass players, and I couldnā€™t.

I can now, but thatā€™s because, now, I am interested in bass guitar and have subscribed to bass lesson sites and YouTube channels where they feature these artists.

And that includes bass players who are also mainly session musicians, like Carol Kaye, Piano Palladino, and Leland Sklar.




Absolutely, session musicians tend to fade into the shadows if they donā€™t have some other more public presence. Danish Pete from Andertons is another example, heā€™s an amazing musician and very versatile (as session musicians have to be), also Jimmy Page, if he hadnā€™t have been in high profile bands who knows?

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Haha, yes, the Hard Times is a satirical site and was juxtaposing ā€˜percussionismā€™ to ā€˜feminismā€™ :laughing:

On the ā€˜recognitionā€™ note, I think our generation also paid more attention to who was in the band. I was a bit gobsmacked a number of years ago when my eldest son (who was quite into his music) was able to rattle off long lists of bands, but none of the individual musicians (apart from the ā€˜frontmanā€™ :open_mouth:)

Love Danish Peteā€¦
Maybe I should change my moniker to Danish Brian? :laughing:

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Since Iā€™ve been hanging around here Iā€™ve learned more individual names of band members than my entire life before (and I know and knew a lot of bands and listened to a lot of music really, really a lot), Metallica was one of the few exceptions, but of many favorite bands(Even my absolute most listened band Dire Straits) I had no idea about it and it didnā€™t interest me at all, :grimacing:

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