I’m a Believer - Neil Diamond

Here’s an answer, Gordon https://www.musicianwave.com/riffs-and-licks/


That was an interesting read David, thanks for that. Every day’s a school day here in the Community. :smiley:

For anyone else interested it comes down to this -

“In short, riffs are the repeated core melodies of songs, while licks are the solo patterns used as embellishments”.

(and the targeted reply didn’t work that time @DavidP)

You learn something every day, never knew he wrote the song for the Monkees.
One of the first albums I bought.

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I wonder, Gordon. I notice that the reply when it didn’t work came directly after my reply (assuming you wanted to reply direct to my reply) and the one that did work was to my reply which had been followed by a number of others before you made your targeted reply.

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I would definitely throw a dollar in your case if you were playing in front of the store. Another great job.

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Some people might throw money to get me to stop! :joy:
Thanks for listening and commenting on a lot of my stuff this morning. It’s much appreciated James.

Every penny counts :wink:

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