I’ve finally gone and done it - gone to 4 strings!

Unless you’ve got the right pickups it usuals won’t work, the setup of mine is all matched parts.
This is what it is:

As you will see from the spec. this isn’t a beginner bass, it’s a mid range one. I got this one as a buy right buy once thing. The only thing that could possibly draw me to another is the 5 string but I doubt it, I’ve got a decent octave pedal that’s pretty noiseless so that’s my solution so far.


I’ve had a quick mess around with acoustic and electric guitar with it and by adjusting the Eq and adding the horn it’s not bad, better than I expected it to be. But it’s not the same, a lot would depend upon what you want to do with it, for practice it’s 100% fine for gigs, maybe depending on whether you’re playing lead or rhythm guitar, lead I don’t think it would cut it, rhythm it should be fine. Also genre would make a big difference, I don’t think it would cope very well with Metal the treble response isn’t really good enough, but blues and mainstream rock plus pop it should work. Acoustic sounds really nice and mellow but you really do have to be careful about feedback, it moves a lot of air so feedback is a bit of a challenge!
As regards Drummers point of view I always practice using a drum track on guitar and bass so it’s a bit like second nature to blend in properly.


Here on the east coast of Canada (known as The Maritimes) local bands are a big thing. There are lots of bands that will play on the wharf, at the local hockey arena, and at some of the pubs. I’m always amused that when the bands switch you’ll see the first band heading off the stage and the next one walking on, all except the one local bass player. He just stands off to the side for a bit and then steps up and starts playing again. So far the summer I’ve seen him in at least six different groups.
The moral of the story, A good bass player is never out of work.



Good feedback on the amp, Darrell.

I would like to have a dabble with bass someday, but it won’t be for a while yet. I don’t have enough time for guitar at the moment, let alone bass!
Thinking ahead though - I’m sure my immunity to GAS will eventually wear off and I’ll want to upgrade guitar and amp. A bass and bass amp as well and it’s going to get bweeding expensive!!
An amp that would do both would soften the blow a bit.
Although a decent guitar amp that I could also play bass through (for home use) maybe the better way to go.

You’re a man who I’m guessing has been there, done that - any thoughts?

There’s a few modelling amps that do both bass and guitar well. The ones I know of, offhand, include the Positive Grid Spark 40 (IME pretty “meh!”), the Yamaha THR (pretty good) and some of the Blackstar range (like the BEAM - no personal experience).




I do have a Blackstar BEAM and for Bass it’s not good enough, it just doesn’t move enough air, it sounds not too bad but a Bass needs to be felt as well, the BEAM just doesn’t do that, also it doesn’t really allow you to use time based FX which was important for me, the built in FX are too limited to be useful.
I can’t speak for the other examples but my opinion is that if it’s got anything smaller than a 10” speaker it’s not going to give what I wanted.


Darrell @DarrellW Keith @Majik
Thank you both. You’ve given me some food for future thought. I guess individual dedicated amps will always be better. I’ll have to see when I get there.

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That’s all fair.

When I was at home in the UK, I have my Mark Bass Players School which is a total beast and which shakes the walls if I turn it up to more than around 2. It’s really way overpowered for home use, but a lot of fun.

Living in an apartment block in the city as I do currently, I could never do that.

If I get a bass (and it may happen soon) I’ll probably have to use it on headphones a lot of the time, but certainly at low volumes. For that the THR is fine.

I got the MS-3 that I recently sold with the idea of being able to use it with bass if I wanted, but I really haven’t done much with bass and effects.



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Good luck learning the BASS-ICS Darrel!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Sounds like fun! I’m a bit jealous…
I’m pretty sure there’s a bass or two in my future!!! Keep us updated on the “Low Down”, (how it’s going)!!!


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