If you tolerate this then your children will be next

:clap: Stefan you and this performance are crowd pleasers for sure. The time you’ve been putting into polishing chord changes, rhythm and groove and a cruisy vocal all blend together into a good recording.

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@SgtColon So much good to commend here. Smooth strumming, a good vibe and tempo maintained and the chord changes were landing in a clean and timely manner. Singing too! :slight_smile:
As is my wont, I shall offer a few suggestions as I see and hear them.
You’re playing a lot of 6-string chords (G, Em, F) yet I’m hearing and seeing a lot of action concentrated on the top four strings. Through the song this creates a singular dynamic and I’m missing out on some bass to accent the beats and punctuate some of the story being told in the song.
Speaking of dynamic … Now you have the E-shape barre chord running along nicely, you have an option to also learn the A-shape 5-string minor barre chord and for the Dm, Am, G section you could play that asthree barre chords at frets 5 then 3 respectively. That wold really make a change in emphasis and bring a shift in dynamic to that section of the song.
Bravo and kudos Sgt.



Well done Stefan, that was really good. It’s a great song and you did it justice. Fast steady strumming and an excellent vocal. I thought your barre F was good, a bit more practice and you’ll have it nailed.

I’m impressed with the tone you achieved. When I play open chords on my electric they all merge together in a muddy mess. It’s the reason I’ve never posted an AVoYP song playing electric.

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That was really good, in my mind you will do more than fine on the next OM. Nice and steady, ready to shine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: all the best.

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Sounding good Stefan (I started this comment soon after you posted but got waylaid)
You’re welcome (for the listen) :wink:
That tele is casting such buttery tones, I could do with a scotch :roll_eyes:
I would have thought a mic that size shoved into the side of your head would have picked up your voice a bit better :rofl:
What a marathon strumming session, but you held on well.
Are you playing the D chord with your pinky?
Seriously, you’re flying along in your progress. That just tells me you’re enjoying it, which is great.
You and @tony better another tune to play at the OM, but kudos to both of you for uploading here with showtime approaching.

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:clap: :clap: :clap:

A pleasure to listen and thanks for playing and sharing, Stefan.

Lots and lots to like there, just keep doing what you’re doing.

I’m just curious about how you recorded the guitar, the role of the headphones.

Now you have OBS working with camera and audio, you can take a look at the post on how to feed the video and audio from OBS to have that as an option.

Bravo, Vimes and Carrot would be well pleased.

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Well done, really enjoyed listening and watching.

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Nice job, Sarge! I see great happiness for you as you continue your guitar journey.

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@SgtColon really enjoyed this! I’m a big Manics fan and I think you nailed this tune. Hard to sing and play some of those chords, maybe I’ll have a crack at it someday.

A song about the rise of Spanish nationalism in the 1930’s and it still rings true to this day!

Bravo! Keep them coming :smiley:

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Good stuff Stefan. Strumming looked very good, you got the feel of the song, and your voice was good too. Thanks for sharing :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Stephan,
Nice Tele you have there. You play it pretty well and the singing that follows is good stuff. Nicely done and sounds good to my ears.

All the rock’n best,

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Good one, Stefan. You did really well. I can relate concerning the barre chords, but I’m sure you will get there with the F. I wasn’t familiar with this song or the band. I liked it, so listened to Manic Street Preachers performing. Also read about the disappearance of band member Richey Edwards. So sad.

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Thank you everyone for the positive comments and the constructive ones. :slight_smile:

@Rossco01, Jason, thanks. You are right on the phrasing, it took me a few listens to the Manic’s to get them somewhere near. I still struggle with the opening line though, that one is really hard. The Manic’s are a great band.

@ohmygato, Dan, thanks. My setup is for the mic and guitar is a Focusrite 2i2 that is plugged into my laptop and it’s the webcam that comes with my laptop and that is it. I used the OSB software to do the recording, all with just the standard setup that comes with the install. I’ve not really taken a dive into setting up settings within the software. Thanks, I think I need to start standing up to do my recording then I’m not squashing up my diaphragm. How to I tackle the intone? It that adjusting the pickups themselves?

@Strummer_of_69, Jason, thanks. I think I need to start playing with the setup on the equipment, as I’ve really not done anything with it.

@Richard_close2u, Richard, thanks. I hadn’t even noticed I was missing strings and I think it might just be something to do with my electric playing but I’ll be keeping an eye on this and will work on rectifying . I’ll have a look into the barre chords to get them under my belt. I’ll use this song and recording as a reference as I start to progress down the barre chord route.

@sairfingers, Gordon, thanks. I have to say, it’s only just starting to come together on my electric. The strumming used to awful and I really didn’t like strumming on it.

@brianlarsen, Brian, thanks. I love my Tele. I can’t remember who recommended it but a big THANK YOU! goes to them. :rofl: I need to have a play with the mic settings as it wasn’t that far away from my face, so I must not have set something up correctly. Yes, I use my pinky to play the Dm chord, I blame Britney Spears. :smiley:

@DavidP, David, thanks. The guitar was plugged into the 2i2 and my first few recording, on listen back, it was only coming through the righthand side of my headphones. I did some tinkering in OSB and managed to sort it out. Do you know if you can set effects on the guitar when it is plugged into the 2i2 and using OSB?

@CYPGMB, Iain, thanks. I didn’t know it was about Spanish nationalism. I’ve always wondered what it was about. Every day is a school day.


@grayal @Socio @KevinKevan @batwoman @adi_mrok @RodC @ChasetheDream @Tim_Wilson @LBro @pkboo3 Thank you all for listening and your comments, they are much appreciated.

I use the method described in the book “How To Make Your Electric Guitar Play Great!” by Dan Erlewine. He’s a Stuart Mac guy and the book gives a good overview of the setup process and actually goes into quite a bit of detail on Tele intonation and the saddles in particular. Teles are some of the hardest guitars to intonate properly (some would say impossible) because they have two strings per saddle. Here is a link to a process on Premier Guitar. I haven’t read through all of it but it looks like they give a fair amount of detail.

[How to Intonate a Three-Saddle Tele - Premier Guitar](How to Intonate a Three-Saddle Tele - Premier Guitar)

I wouldn’t go nuts filing down your saddles and getting crazy with tools. Also if you feel like it is over your head it is best to just have someone do a setup on your guitar. I enjoy the physics of it so it is something I have found to be gratifying at least even if I’m not a pro at it.

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You can Stefan. Have a look at Majik’s post on using OBS (OBS not OSB) to feed Zoom. It has some built-in effects but can also pickup and use other plugins installed on your computer.

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@ohmygato, Dan, thank you for the link. I’ll have a look into trying to get a better setup. It did have a a basic setup over the Christmas period, so maybe it just needs tweaking.

@DavidP, David. Thank you, I’ll have a read of that, not that I really know what I’m doing and what tweaks I need to be doing to get a better sound.

So much to learn.

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My advice FWIW would be NOT to touch your guitar at all…I would suggest its pretty tricky to determine intonation from a video alone, particularly when you are a relative newby yourself and therefore your playing might influence what we hear. A very simple rough check would be tune your guitar up as normal and then fret the each string at the twelve fret, play it and see what your tuner says…it should be pretty much the same. Even if it isn’t quite the same doesn’t mean there is an intonation problem.

If you really want it checked out take it to a luthier who knows what they are doing. At least you wont then bugger your guitar up. If you want to have a go at this sort of thing buy a cheap beat up guitar and do it on that.


Yeah this is totally true and it is easy to mess it up (probably not permanently, but where it may sound worse).

@SgtColon I had made the original comment only because to my ears some of the chords sounded very clean but a couple sounded slightly out of tune. Take it with a grain of salt. It could just be my ears. In my experience (I had the exact same issue with my Tele) it can be an intonation issue. It also could be an issue with pressing down too hard on some of the strings on certain chords. Or… it could just be an issue with my ears. It also will sound more apparent with a tone as clean as yours.

If all the chords sound good and in tune to you just straight through your amp and not recorded then it’s not an issue. Also as Rossco mentioned you can do the quick check tuning up as normal and then fret at the 12th checking to make sure those notes are also in tune.

Great job,

Keeping your strummign solid while singing for this song is harder than it looks and I think you did great. He does some unconventional intervals in the vocal melody that aren’t the easiest either. we want more!