I'm Margus and musically challenged!

I just started JustinGuitar and so far so good with a few hiccups. I am 59 and recently retired so I figured I have the time to try and learn the guitar, … again. My goal is not to be great, but play rhythm for songs that I enjoy. My first two times trying to learn, at 27 and 30 years old, my instructors were deaf to my needs. I said that I needed to play rock songs, no matter how simple, to keep me practicing and interested. The first guy had me doing arpeggios for the first month and the second guy had me playing Mary Had A Little Lamb (and NOT the Jimmie Ray Vaughn version).

Justin is great, love his attitude and teaching technique. Hope I make it!


I would so quit also.

Justin has some good song choices for practice right through, so dont worry about that. He also mixes it up a lot, plenty of open chord and strumming but then throws in things like the peter gunn theme etc.

Plenty of us older kids on here learning/relearning!

Welcome to JG forum


Similar experience when I took lessons as a youth…I’d been taught about four chords and a couple songs (through Girl Scouts, I think!) and wanted to play more. The teacher insisted I learn classical first…I worked on one piece for what seemed like a year…never got it…finally quit. I too found Justin when I retired. It’s a good place to be! Hope to see you around the Community. And if it’s not too much too soon, you might check out the Beginner and Vintage (age 45+) Clubs. These are one-hour Zoom lessons/meetings. The next Vintage Club on Monday January 15 will cover practice tips - I’m sure there will be good information for all levels!


If you put in the time and follow Justin’s course, you won’t be musically challenged for much longer LOL!

I’ve got a similar back-story as you, been learning using Justin’s website for ~3 1/2 years, and am just finishing Grade 3. Having a blast!

ENJOY THE JOURNEY!!! :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard, Margus!

It’s a shame you were thrown off the guitar-path by teachers that ignored your wishes. Hope you find what you need here (I’m sure you will), Justin has a lot of different songs referenced in the early grades, so there’s plenty of choice. :slight_smile:

Wish you loads of fun on your journey! :smiley:

Cheers - Lisa

Welcome Margus! Happy to have you here.

I had a similar experience when I was younger taking piano lessons. I wanted to play stuff I knew and my teacher had different ideas about what I should be learning. I quickly lost interest and it made me think I just wasn’t cut out for music. Once I finally picked up the guitar as an adult, I realized that I can play whatever I want! It definitely motivates me to be able to play music I love.

Stick with the beginners course and learn songs you enjoy and I think you will be successful :+1: :guitar:

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HAHA! I thought Vintage was for Vintage Guitars! I will be right there!

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Welcome, Margus. This is definitely the place to learn!

Hi Margus ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Three times is a charm :wink:… now it’s all in your hands :smiley:… I wish you a nice learning curve :sunglasses:


Welcome, Margus,
So … 27 & 30 … two strikes … no pressure… :roll_eyes:.
They key element you have now is yours to use well … time.
Take your time; pretty much al the resources you need are in here… :sunglasses:
Along your journey there’ll be a point when you’ ll go from feeling “musically challenged” to enjoying challenging music.
Keep it fun … :wink:

Welcome, Margus,

Sorry about your experience stick with Justin and he will have you rocking out :slight_smile:

Hi Marcus, welcome to the community forum. Justin Guitar is a great place for you to learn guitar. Find and play songs that you love and you will reach your goals.

Hi Margus, welcome. Good you found Justin Guitar lessons to help you to improve your musicality and being able to play rhythm for songs you enjoy. The way that Justin Guitar lessons are set up allows allow growing several skills a the same time and getting sooner ready to play songs. Have fun.

Hi, Margus. Welcome!

:wave: Sorry I missed the welcome Marcus, so, welcome to the group.

I hope you dont me me asking and obviously being a little cheeky regarding your name, please take it in the fun way it’s meant to be but,

Do you have brother kalled Kaiser Susi , :rofl:

Please forgive my cheekyness :slight_smile: