Inspired after nearly 30 years

Hey all, I’m Eric from Madison, WI USA.

My wife and I just got back from a music tour of Scotland. We were deeply moved by the music, but also the group singing and playing within our tour group. Sharing music is very very human and very magical.

We got back to the US with a renewed desire to create music that we could share with others. Tina’s got a lovely voice, so she’s starting there. I played guitar as a teen, but you know how that goes. I never did become a rock god…

After a Covid related delay, we went out to a local guitar shop and picked out a nice Alvarez acoustic for me and I’ve been loving getting back into it.

I’ve just started, so I’m working hard on my As and Ds :smiley:


Aha congrats on being inspired and the new acoustic!

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Welcome tl the forum Eric

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Welcome to the community!

Fun inspiring story. There is still time to become a rockstar, you can do it!

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Good on you! I see three little birds in your future. Don’t worry, 'bout an thing, cuz every lil thing…


That’s awesome, welcome to the community

I picked up the guitar in my 50s after dreaming of playing my whole life. Now in my 60s and my wife has said many times how glad she is that I picked up the guitar

It’s a bit of hard work at first, but learn songs and play songs, start simple and away you go. The reward is so very worth it


Hi Eric,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Welcome aboard, Eric!

Glad you picked up the guitar again and have someone, you can make some music with! :smiley:

Wish you loads of fun on the journey.

Cheers - Lisa

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This is good to hear! I picked it up at 55 and just turned 58, so there is hope! Hope that someday my wife will be glad I picked up guitar…:roll_eyes:


Thanks for the lovely welcome, all!

It’s only been a week, so we’ll see if I get banished to the basement or garage :sweat_smile:

:wave: welcome to this amazing group.


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We’ve met many people and gained heaps of great friends through playing music.

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Welcome Eric. I’d love to go to Scotland someday. Ah well. Glad you found Justinguitar and the Community. It’s an all around great place to learn and make friends.

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Welcome to the community Eric :blush:

What a beautiful takeaway from your trip to Scotland. I wish you and your wife a beautiful journey of musical exploration :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello Eric and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Glad to read that you enjoyed your music tour of Scotland.

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Welcome Eric! Terrific to read your inspired and terrific you’ve found both Justin and this place. Wishing you alot of fun on your journey :slight_smile:

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Hey Eric - I’m with you on the importance of music. It has saved my soul. I’m also a newby in my 50s. I live near and work in Madison !! Maybe we can play together sometime and learn. My husband is a great singer - they can sing; we can play D & G chords :slight_smile: I’d like to get some adults together sometime who are new but inspired. Let me know if you’re interested. Best - Debra


Playing together is what it’s all about! Let’s keep in touch and when I learn a few more chords - let’s do it!

Welcome to the Community Eric


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Eric, Welcome to the Community. Glad you found inspiration. Take your time and learn some songs as you learn chords and soon you will be playing for your wife to sing. Perhaps you will be inspired to find your voice and join in.

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