Installing the Boss Tone Studio

Few people asked how to install the Boss Tone Studio software - essential to get my presets and deep editing - and not as complicated as you might think!

View the full lesson at Installing the Boss Tone Studio | JustinGuitar

I followed your video and easily installed the Tone Studio and drivers for my 100 MK II Head on my Mac however my headphones went silent with the head plugged in to the computer. With the Head unplugged the headphones are fine but I can’t see the software. Have you experienced this yourself and if so how did you correct it. I would ask Boss but can’t find an email address. Thanks.

Welcome to the community @Parish

For clarity, where are you connecting your headphones? Into the Katana, or into your Mac?



I own three Boss products; a Katana 100 mkii Artist, a Boss Singer and an ME-80 effects board.

While the 100 Artist has some amazing tone features would it be accurate to say that I should utilize my ME-80 as the object I download the software for and that I stick to using the pedal board for all my effects, plugins and presets for both amps or should I do some redundant stuff with both my Katana and my ME-80?

I imagine you could probably get better tones using the Katana 100 MKii software, but then you’d want their proprietary footswitches to be able to switch easily on the fly, which you can already do with your ME-80.

For reference, I have the Boss ME-70, and it worked very well with a Ringo amp I had back in the day that had a nice clean tone; the Katana MKii has a pretty solid clean tone as well and would probably work great with that setup.

That all said, I’d love to hear from someone who has used both together and what they thought of it, since I’ve been considering picking up an MKii head.

Thanks for your help with installing Tone Studio. I ran into a roadblock during the process and had to update the firmware for the amplifier itself. Not sure if this is allowed but here’s the link to the video that guided me through that process on a MacOS.

Welcome to the community Mark.

FYI it’s absolutely fine to post links to helpful information like this, that other community members will benefit from.

