Introducing Myself to all of You

Hello Everyone,
My name is Keith, and I started playing guitar in 1968. I played to albums with an FG-75 Yamaha guitar for many years. I never owned an electric guitar in those days. I joined the Navy late in life and took a 35-year hiatus from guitar. Since then, I have purchased many guitars and built a small home studio. I also have joined many guitar lesson sites, and I either get bored or lack the motivation to start at the beginning and get rid of some old ingrained bad habits that plague my guitar journey. Coming up on sixty-seven years old, I get most of my satisfaction from my guitars when I insert a wav file of one of my favorite bands’ songs in Studio One and again, as I did in the 60s, try to figure out how to play the song. This feels so good, but I am glad I found Justin’s site! I want to start memorizing all the notes on the fretboard using the established tricks I have learned—couple that with starting Justin’s music theory course and ear training. I also look forward to meeting and interacting with all of you wonderful people in the guitar world.


Welcome abord, Keith!

Nice to read how much joy you feel when spending time playing guitar! Best of luck and loads of fun on your further journey! :slight_smile:

TYSM Lisa_S! Glad to be here to improve!

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Welcome to the forum Keith

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TYVM, stitch, great to be here!!!

Hey Keith, welcome to the forum, isn’t music great and making music awesome!


Hello Keith, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.
Whatever floats your boat along your guitar journey - just do it and have fun :smiley:.
You’ve found the perfect plays to restart this adventure :blush:.


Yes, it is Tony! TY, I am so glad to be here with all of ya’s!

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Thank you very much, NicoleKKB! This journey is going to be excellent with everyone!


Welcome, Keith!

I need to figure that one out myself, importing a sound file into Studio One, for when I want to play along with a track. I was trying to record myself playing over a track, but playing that track in YouTube. It created a LOT of latency, so the recording was not usable. So, I need to figure out how to get a .wav of the track I want.

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Welcome, Keith, I haven’t tried memorizing the notes on the fret board yet, one of these days…

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Thank you LunaRocket. I have started making my mnemonics to help me to remember. I will keep trying and having fun while I am at it. Glad to be here :slightly_smiling_face:

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The only thing I have going for me is a very fast computer with lots of RAM. I have not experienced any latency. Though, I use my ST1 differently. I have a vast library of music on one of my drives, and I click browse, pick the song I want, and drag it into a new session. I don’t know what your setup is like, but you said it correctly, you need to get the wav,mp3,mp4 file, download it to a folder, and then do as I do and drag it into ST1. Then you can mess with the device block size in the device setup for ST1 and set it as low as you can without latency. I find anything less than 12ms of latency is ok. Keep on rocking!!

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Hi Keith
Nice to meet you!
Welcome :smiley: Look forward to interacting with and hearing more from you :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Keith, welcome to the community. You sound like you bring a lot of experience and enthusiasm. I know you will progress quickly. I had 40 years of experience strumming open chords on acoustic, but I still started with the first lessons to work out problems with my pick when I strummed, positioning my guitar and chord fingering issues. It was worth the extra time. I hope to hear you playing along to some of your backing tracks in the future.

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Hi Keith,
Welcome here and I wish you a huge amount of fun on your musical journey :sunglasses:

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Very nice to meet you too, JasmineJ :slight_smile: Glad to be here!

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Hey!! Thank you, Roger!! Great to be here with all of you!

Hello Keith and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

I hope you enjoy this new phase of guitar learning.

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Thank you SGT Colon!! I am getting some practice to post my first play along!!