Introducing Myself

Hello guys. I’m Darshan from Ooty, India ; I’m 23 and I have an amateur-intermediate level of understanding of the keyboard (although I haven’t done grades). My journey with the guitar began about a year ago, I have basic understanding of a few chords (learnt them from shapes).
I have always wanted to delve deep into music theory and this is my attempt at it.

I have a Yamaha F280 but the strings are old, I wanted a few tips about changing strings on our own. I hope this journey will be super fun and interesting.



Hello Darshan and welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

Here you go. It is quite straight forward.

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Welcome, Darshan. Hope your string changing goes well.

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Welcome to the forum Darshan
If I’m not mistaken the Yamaha F280 is an acoustic the video @SgtColon gave you is for electric
Here’s the video for acoustic guitars


Hello Darshan and welcome to the Community :blush: The first time I changed my acoustic guitar strings I was a bit afraid to do something wrong but by following Justin’s instructions all went well! :sweat_smile:

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Hi Darshan,
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

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Greetings Darshan, keep strumming!

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Hi Darshan,

Welcome to the community good luck with the string change and your progress into music enjoy :slight_smile: A

Welcome aboard, Darshan! :smiley:

Good luck with the string change. You’ll see, after second or third time, this will become as normal as brushing teeth. :slight_smile: Wish you loads of fun on your journey!

Cheers - Lisa

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Hi Darshan, welcome to the community. I was too nervous to change my acoustic strings for over a year, but Justin’s video made the process some much easier. That tip about kinking or bending the end of the string that goes into the pin holes was very helpful.


Hi Darshan, welcome. Good you added the guitar to the instruments you can play. If you follow the lessons and dedicate enough time to practicing the exercises you’ll be soon beyond those chords you already know and playing at least a basic version of many songs. Follow the video and you’ll be able to change those strings, probably by now you have already done so. Just be careful with your eyes and your fingertips as the tip of the strings can puncture very easy the skin.