Introduction: Hello, I'm Derek from Massachusetts

Hi Derek from my state! How are you doing with your picking back up of the axe?

Hi Derek, welcome to the community forum.

scuse me but why digging posts that are 2 years old ? :hushed:


And the Grammy goes to Alejandro for that. I searched up Massachusetts to say hi to people in my state.

Hello Derek! Seems to be a rush of people from Massachusetts here recently! Big guitar sale going on there?

No , @AlejandrotheGreatRamirez would you like to say hello to everyone from your state (more than a third of all residents of the Netherlands living there :flushed:). These topics are old …very old :wink:


Hehe, I’ve dug up so many ancient posts, they call me the archeologist :rofl:

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you’re indiana Jones :rofl:

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