iRig Pro vs Fender Mustang Micro for Home Practice

Hello everyone,

I am having a hard time deciding between iRig Pro and Fender Mustang Micro for practicing at home.

Advantages for iRig Pro

  • Play with Garageband possibly more effect options, easy to record
  • Don’t have to plug in earphones at all times (can use speaker of laptop I guess)

Disadvantages for iRig Pro

  • Dependent on Macbook or iPad all the time, have to play alongside that. I am already working as Software Engineer so it is a minus for me.
  • Possible delay on sound.

Disadvantages of Fender Mustang

  • Have to plug in headphones all the time
  • Possibly worse sound quality? Not sure about this one.

Is there anyone who use one of these for practice? Can you compare them in sound latency, usability, tone, effects and other aspects?

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Hi Yigit,
Have you considered something like the Spark Mini, a small amp with many tone options built in and has a headphone socket? It is charged through USB and is very versatile. Though not as small as the two items you mention is small enough to carry in a back pack.

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Or the Boss Pocket GT.

Very portable, loads of decent onboard tones, and you can use it as an audio interface if you want to record to your PC with it, or use it with iRig, Tonelib, or any other virtual amp software.




Thanks for your reply Malz, I checked it out and it is a bit expensive for me (270 euro on Amazon, whereas others are around 100). Same goes with Boss Pocket GT @Majik :smiling_face:


Thing is, the two products are essentially different things. One is an audio interface, the other is an amp.

The iRig Pro will allow your guitar to interface with other devices. The software you use will determine the options you have for effects and the overall sound quality, and your hardware specs will determine how much audio lag you experience, if any.

The Mustang is a self-contained device producing it’s own sounds. No other hardware/software required, and no tethers. Headphones are not a disadvantage since you can just as easily plug speakers into it instead, something I did often with a Vox amPlug2. If you actually check the specs, you can plug it into a PC via USB for direct recording, so it loses nothing to the iRig Pro in that regard.

Given what you said in your OP, I would suggest the Mustang would be the better option. But that’s just me… it’s your money.

If you’re open to something a little bigger, you could also consider a multi-effect pedal, like the Zoom G1X or it’s equivalents.


I have a similar headphone amp and some times in stead of putting it through headphones i put it through a bluetooth speaker. I don’t use the bluetooth, just a normal 3.5mm cable. it works well for me. Not a full gigging setup but gives me extra volume when I want it.


About two years ago, I was about to buy an iRig, when Fender announced the Mustang Micro. Based on some early reviews on line, I preordered the Micro and got it just a couple days after release.

Over the past two years I’ve used it a ton, including: recording to PC via USB, playing plugged into powered speakers, streaming tracks from Garage Band or Apple Music via Bluetooth to play along to.

I haven’t ever used an iRig, but I believe that the only thing it does that the Micro doesn’t is plug directly into iPhone or iPad for use with Garage Band - with the Micro you would have to go into a Mac or PC.

The sound quality on the Micro is great and there is a decent range of tones available. I had a Vox Amplug before and there is just no comparison in the sound. The Micro comes close to the sound quality of my Fender Mustang GT40 through headphones.

After a couple of years, I’ve started to get interested in a mid level multi effects pedal like the Line 6 Pod Go, but the simplicity, portability, and convenience of the Micro keeps me pretty satisfied and I keep putting off the purchase. In fact, the only thing that I’ve bought for my electric guitar since the Micro is strings.

I would also add that some of the limitations of amps and effects in the Micro are a positive. For one, I spend a lot more time playing (and getting better) instead of messing around with sound settings. Another positive is that the limitations forced me to learn to use the knobs on my guitar to shape the sound - now when I go back to my amp, I am getting much better sounds because of what I learned while using my Micro.

I think everyone would suggest that you should choose whichever one you think will get you to play more often. Some people are inspired to play by the technological side of effects and recording, which is definitely cool, and the iRig might be better for this route. For me, I’m happiest when the gear just all disappears and the Micro does that really well.


This is such a detailed reply. Thanks a lot Rider. I am also the type of person that does not want to spend time adjusting the amp settings but rather get a good tone and play. I am always lazy when it comes to learning things like recording and setup although I still believe creating the tone you desire in your head is a skill required for every guitarist. My Mustang Micro will be arriving in a few days, excited to give it the try :slight_smile:

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Not to overload you with choices but being an owner of the Harley Benton clone of the Mustang Micro I’ve now decided that the Nux Mighty Plug Pro looks like it just might be the 800lb gorilla of the headphone amp world.

What sold me was the ability to load cab IRs and the deep control offered by an app. I’m waiting for a good sale or a used deal but I’m selling my HB for the Nux.

Silent practice
Recording via interface functionality
Live Streaming capabilities +loopback
17 guitar amp models - 5 bass amp models
36 pre-loaded IRs with 18 user slots
40 effects with block routing
It even has 3 acoustic guitar models!

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The Nux looks pretty amazing! I had a mustang micro and it was great, but very limited to the presets.

Also look at the Positive grid Riff. Very versatile. The mix may be even cooler though.

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That’s great. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Let a know how you’re getting along or if you have any questions once it arrives.


Hey Rider, the amp has arrived yesterday and it is much better than I could imagine. The effect quality is comparable to my Boss katana 50. You don’t get the chance to adjust everything but still I feel like I can find a close tone to most of the things I would like to play. Wondering how it’ll be in recording as well. A great purchase for its price.

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Great! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I saw that you might have a new guitar to play through it as well! Congrats!

Remember to experiment with the volume knob on your guitar to see how it effects the tone on the Micro - especially on the distorted tones.



Yes, glad to hear you are enjoying it! I’ve got one as well, and just happened to have used it for the first time today, on both my guitar and bass and am very happy with it as well.

I know this is an old thread, but for anyone like me that is looking to learn more about how to use the gear they have (or just looking for reviews) these points that you made are a blessing in disguise.

When I first started using the Mustang Micro a few weeks ago while traveling, I found the limited effects editing a major annoyance (I have a Marshall Code 25 back home). Besides getting in more focused practice time due to less fiddling with settings, I also noticed the second point you mentioned, I’m learning a lot more about how to use my guitar’s volume knobs, tone knobs and pickup selector (including the push/push humbucker coil tap).

So in this case, less is actually more :blush:

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I just got the Fender Mustang Micro because I didn’t like being locked in a room with my amp. This may sound stupid but I was doing practice with Justin’s app and I thought I was losing my mind! The app actually hears what you’re playing and counts chord changes, knows when you’re hitting on all strings in Chord Perfect, etc. I’m really liking that!