Is my singing voice as bad as I think it is?

haha thanks Rob for the kind words :slight_smile:

Thanks tony, I hope I’ll get used to it eventually haha

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That snippet wouldn’t be out of place in a modern / indie song. It’s even got a bit of an auto tune vibe that the kids these days would dig.

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Your singing voice sounds fine.

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Way to harsh…
i think it is nice as is. and really pleasant to listen to…
Loads of potential as well. Would be happy to have that sound…

Echoing the rest Peter. You’ve got a fine voice. It does help to practice daily with warm up exercises, then moving on to songs. You’ll find that breath support increases and sustained pitch improves. I think some people simply don’t have an ear for singing but you’re clearly not one.

thank so much!

thank you! I’ll try some of these exercises consistently!

To me your voice sounds fine… Realize that when one sings naked with no instrument accompaniment, they will sound at their worst. My guess is that if you lay down a guitar track and then sing along with that you will in short order see and hear your voice works!

Keep working on it and all the best,


My honest answer is not unpleasant at all. Beatles eat your hearts out. You should be very happy with how you sound. I enjoyed it very much. I post songs here singing and playing. Some like it some don’r but keep it moving. You have talent :slight_smile:


Not unpleasant at all and yes you’re being far too hard on yourself :+1: keep singing, it’s a skill that needs practice like anything else :v:

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Hey, Peter! Great job putting yourself out there for honest feedback. Its always hard doing that, and you stepped right outta the box.

Like everyone has said, not to worry, your voice is not unpleasant. Have fun and sing. If you wish, you can get some singing training to help you develop your voice. I’ve known a lot of vocal talent over the years and there were too many that wished they sounded different and would try to make their voice sound like another voice that they liked. This can actually limit a singer’s potential and/or harm the voice, depending on what a singer tries to do to modify their sound (and how). Stick with yours - its not only more healthy, its the voice we all want to hear!

Your voice has qualities than no one else has, and a timbre that is entirely yours. We look forward to hearing more from you.

Thank you, It never crossed my mind that an a track would improve it :slight_smile:

thank you so much Jeff. You really sound great too :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! its def comforting to know there are others out there who are also insecure with their sound

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