Is the Strumming Patterns course requiring a different subscription or is it on the App?

I subscribed the VIP plan and I am currently following the learning path. I checked the skills tab where I could find the Strumming Patterns course and the same is currently blocked, asking for a VIP subscription.

Is the Strumming Patterns course requiring a different subscription? Or its a bug on the app and it should be available to me?

Hi Andre, the app and the strumming foundations course are two different subscriptions

Hi Andre,

the strumming foundation course should be part of the Justin Guitar app.

Let’s ask the developers. @MusopiaApps , could you take a look if the strumming course is part of the new VIP subscription?


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Hi, both the Premium and VIP subscription plans should have access to the Strumming Foundations course within the app.

Can you please message us via so we can assist you with this? :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info. I am going to send the message. BR

Maybe I’m dense or just missed something. I have the app, but what is this Premium and VIP subscription? Mine says nothing about either. :thinking:

It’s a new subscription model that’s being trialled - existing subscribers will see no change (for now at least). The existing paid-for tier gets you all the stuff in the songs app (VIP) whereas there’s a new lower tier that doesn’t include all of the licensed music (Premium). It might be that the tier names change or the prices change or what’s included changes before it all becomes final but existing users get VIP be default

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