Is the website and app subscription the same?

I’ve been wanting to subscribe for a year and decided to do it now but I’m a bit hesitant as the website and app lessons are different. If I’m subscribed to web do I have the app subscription as well and vice versa?

Hello Chris.
Nice to meet you, and welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community.

First and foremost, the website is free.
99.99% of Justin’s website courses are entirely free.

He runs it funded by an honour system whereby those who are able to afford it are asked to donate to support the aim of providing guitar lessons for everone.
It is also funded by a very few subscription only courses and the sale of products and merchandise.
Nobody is under any obligation to donate or purchase or subscribe to anything.
The fact that people do is a recognition of Justin’s excellent teaching and materials and the mission to teach music in general.

The App was not developed to host the video lessons but as a tool for people to play along with backing tracks.
It grew and grew and it now offers amazing functionality, including Grades 1 to 3 of the beginner course as video lessons.
The website has those lessons along with the supporting text and other materials. The website also has many further grades and courses.
You can sign up to the website (and Community) at no cost.
You can subscribe to the App also if you wish.
They are not connected accounts because the App gets sold through App stores (for ios or android respectively).


I see. Thank you for your help sir!