Issue with Microphone on Justin App

Hi all. Apologies if this has been posted before , i had a look around and couldn’t find anything. The App has worked great on my i phone for 12 months but suddenly it is not picking up the microphone on my i phone. It tells me ‘the exercise needs permission to use the device microphone’ . When i tap the note it takes me into the Apps settings but there is nothing in there re a microphone. When i go directly to Microphone in the phones settings i can see all my Apps that use the microphone but Justin App isn’t there . I’m currently on latest version 3.13.2. Can anyone help - its doing my head in!!!

Hi @KevUK, it’s been a known issue for quite some time, if I am not mistaken. Let’s tag the app developers @MusopiaApps so they can shed some light on this.

If I go to Settings > Justin Guitar, I do see an option to allow microphone access, which is required for the Tuner function.

Have you tried going directly to Settings and checking it there, and only then going back to the app?

I cannot answer for Kevin, and I don’t have the app anymore, but I had the same problem - going directly to settings didn’t change anything, unfortunately.

I justed installed the app on my new iPhone, and now it works. Might have something to do with iOS, maybe.

Today on Android I had issues with the mike too.

The 3 highest strings were picked normally but the 3 lowest were not.

Rebooting the phone was no help.

Hi, many thanks for responding. When i open my App as you have above, i don’t have the option for Microphone which probably explains why i have the issue! Not sure how to remedy this - i was thinking of deleting the App and reinstalling however will it then still recognise my payment details? Not too bothered about losing my progress - i haven’t got that far anyway!!

Thanks for response . I might try to reinstall App as i have replied to Heckler above?



We are very sorry to hear that you have run into this glitch, we are still not 100% sure why this happens sometimes for iOS app users despite investigating.

We have found that uninstalling/reinstalling the app normally triggers the microphone permission notification upon reopening the app.

Furthermore, your data should be stored as long as you are logging in and out of an app account.

Hope this helps and please let us know if you require further assistance :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your response. I’ll try to uninstall / reinstall tonight and let you know how i get on.

Sorry i didn’t get back sooner to update but i’ve had ‘Microsoft’ issues of late - nothing to do with Justin’s App!
I was really impressed that the Musopia Team came in to offer advice ( i didn’t expect that!) and the advice worked perfectly! I uninstalled and reinstalled the App and it now works perfectly again and it kept records of my progress - or lack it! Many thanks everyone for your input.