It was Just a Mini Vacation, but

Thanks everyone. Watered a bunch more stuff and managed a bit over an hour of mostly song practice. Felt good. Oddly, I swear my guitar sounds bright and tinnier! Maybe it’s just because I hadn’t played it in nearly a week, but, weird. It is in tune, I checked. :upside_down_face:


Happy Birthday!

This is quite normal, I’m in a similar situation this week.

Work was crazy, so I had to work extra hours, plus visit nurseries for our little one and a bit of travelling. It meant that I got pretty tired and ended up not picking up the guitar or even felt like playing anything.

It was the first week that I haven’t picked the guitar at all since I got it about a month and something ago and it did make me feel a bit guilty, but at the end of the day, I also understand that life will through you off your routine sometimes and there’s isn’t much we can do about it, other than slowly try to get back to it.

I would say pick a few songs that you enjoy or like to practice and play them, instead of just doing the exercises, that will ease that feeling that you have to pick up the guitar just for the sake of doing it.

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Happy late birthday!

Just wanted to say I, too, have been experiencing less than stellar feelings towards practice right now. Its been a few weeks since I went on a 10 day vacation, so it’s pretty obvious it’s a common thing to lose some motivation after having not played for awhile. Like you, I am also a little worried that I’ve come to a slow down in my interest, because that does tend to happen and I’ll end up switching hobbies to a fresh new interest.

Im glad to read all the responses you’re getting. It all sounds quite normal. Keep up with your dedication even if you only strum or do chord changes for a few short minutes. If you will, I will :grin:.

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