It's a Heartache - Bonnie Tyler

Great Job Sandy. Tackled that F like a pro!

Hi Sandy, I found either the F#m or the Gm to be an easier chord to learn. I found a song or two to practice those chords, which enabled me to do an improved job on the F-barre. Emphasis on -improved-, I still have a long way to go.


I can’t believe I missed this when you posted Sandy, that was a fabulous performance! No doubt F will come with time and no little effort but I wouldn’t say you’re in a bad place with it at all.
As always thank you for sharing!

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No I doubt it these days. Just my old fashioned brain automatically associating music flowing from a bar, as coming from a Jukebox, like it did way back when. It’ll just be some bods phone jacked into a speaker !! Where’s the romance in that ?

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I loved the Jukebox years…

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Hey Sandy, get you playing the F out of that F.
Go go go.
You’ve got the efficient fingering of the C, G chord thing going on too.
One little tip for F barre - try getting your index finger down on the barre a touch faster, it is joining after the others. It plays the low root note so you want it to be in position for the start of the bar, for the count of 1 on your strumming.

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Yeah. I’m working on it.

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Nice vocals Sandy, and your “F” chord is getting closer. I still struggle with it as my thumb won’t go where it should. Lol.:thinking::rofl:

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It’s getting there slowly but surely.