Jam at music club camping weekend

Twice a year our music club hosts a camping weekend. Here’s one of the many jams, this one I led with the colourful hat on my head! Such fun. I got my start with Justin Guitar, first song I learned was from his beginners song book. And in this song I’m using the thumb and finger technique also learned from Justin.


So many familiar faces Tony. Thrilled to see you in your element. Thanks for the share.

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Plenty of new ones too. Would be great to see you there!

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Maybe next Autumn.

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Music Club and Camping Weekend :heart_eyes:…I must confess I envy you just a liiiittle tiny bit! Loved the genuine good vibes there…it must have been wonderful!

Thanks, they are heaps of fun. We started the weekend 11 years ago with only 25 muso friends, next time it was 35, then 45 and after that we booked the whole campground and filled it to capacity with 75 people. Once I got on the committee at the music club, the other committee members asked if it could become a club event which suited my wife and I very well. That was the 20th time we’ve had that event.