Jeff’s Guitar Journey

April 2004- To my recollection, this is when I first picked up a guitar. I had just been dumped by a girl and instead of being depressed I thought it made more sense to learn guitar. I looked online and bought an electric guitar starter package from a guy named Troy Stetina. Ironically years later I hear our guy @alexisduprey playing some of Troy’s songs from the same songbook I still have. To be honest I was pretty awful. I thought I could learn from books and instructional DVDs. Troy invited to me to one his shows at the time and I remember thinking I can do that; be on stage. I was delusional to think that at the time. I talked to him, but he was not much of a teacher of new students. He has that Eddie Van Halen level of talent.

April 2005- After a year I could play most open chords, but had zero sense of timing, no strumming patterns, and thought it was cool to strum to the lyric. It sounded really ridiculous. My landlord once threatened to evict me because I sounded so bad all the time.

June 2006- I still had made zero progress and most of my learning was through hanging out with losery drunks on the beach in San Diego. Maybe I was a rock and roll legend in my own mind lol. I drank a lot of German beer back then so I probably was delusional about my skill level. I met the woman who is now my wife who like most good women do, forced me to start getting my act together.

2006-2020- My guitar spent most of its time alone in various storages or garages. I had given up any possibility that I had musical talent or potential with guitar. I would play maybe 1-2 times a year when my wife prompted me, but no one can become skilled without practice.

Fast Forward to 2020 when the pandemic hit, everyone was locked indoors. I found Justin teaching how to play a Johnny Cash Song, Walk the Line I think and was intrigued by his teaching style and positive outlook.

August 2020 (maybe?) I decided to start level 1 lesson 1 of Justin’s course. I gave myself plenty of time to absorb each lesson and held myself accountable for each lesson. I loved each step of the way and how Justin tied in the easy to play riffs and songs such as Seven Nation Army. I still use those as warm ups sometimes. I was able to master all of the steps in grade 1 within about 14 months start to finish. By then I had made leaps and bounds in progress in my playing. Nobody was covering their ears when I played anymore. Justin’s lessons were simply amazing.

December 2021-Dec 2022- I progressed through level 2 at a steady pace and was able to master about 80% of the lessons offered. My biggest struggles were mastering the scales and I didn’t do too well with power chords or the blues section of the lessons. The song I posted here “Just Older” is an example of a failed attempt to play something with power chords. I think I spent too much time posting more and more mediocre level of performance songs and not enough time on the fundamentals and skill building.

Sept 2022-Nov 2022- I decided to join my daughter in taking private lessons to see how it goes. I was too advanced for the beginner class and there was no option for an intermediate class so he agreed on 30 minute lessons once a week. The guy was really talented and a good teacher, but I could not catch on to the scales and soloing he tried to show me. I usually ended up watching Justin’s lessons about scales that made more sense to me anyways. I could not learn anything in 30 minutes a week. He did help me fix some of my mechanics such as hand position doing the F chord and was really smart with music theory. I ended up playing StandBy Me on stage with my daughter using my 12 string. It was a great experience but felt odd not singing and just playing rhythm.

Jan 2023-May 2023- I gave level 3 a try and found myself nearly completely lost for most of it. I decided I missed something fundamental and went back to reviewing level 2 lessons.

May 2023- Current- I decided I need to be more structured in my guitar Journey. I gave myself a schedule of what I should be practicing each day more strictly than before.
· I am working on mastering the minor pentatonic scales starting with C on the 8th position.
· I work on the essential 10 chords (A-C-D-E-F-G-Am Dm-Em-Bm) play back and forth with fast and steady changes
· I work on strumming dynamics (thinking outside of just strumming pattern, kick and snare type sounds, Loud and soft- verse vs. chorus-etc.)
· Adding or subtracting fingers to chords for unique sounds, chord embellishments.
· Mastering Barre chords and power chords (E shape)
· Memorized all notes on 6th and 5th string, noting what an octave change is and when it sounds best
· Understanding the note circle, chromatic scale (first looking at a piano keyboard then the guitar)
· Adding song choices that showcase different styles of music, some power chords and various rhythm techniques. (I think I did well with adding some power chords/barre chords in my Aerosmith song; I played Linkin Park at the local park standing in front of curious onlookers. I haven’t done that much this year so want to get back into playing in front of people. I added a couple of country songs too and tried to add some dynamics of strumming-maybe not 100% successful yet). I plan on trying a song in Dutch, and more songs in Spanish or German.
· Next up diatonic scales- why the key of C has no sharps and why we need to have sharps and flats in other keys. (Justin explains as tones and semi-tones or whole step vs. half step)
· Also hoping to get in on an open mic somewhere and work towards performing on stage; begin some songwriting.
(If you are still here wondering when this rant will end…finally it has-thanks for reading.

This is a recent pic while I did a video on Catalina island. The other pic is my first guitar I bought in 2004. I haven’t played her in years.

Thanks everyone on the forum for your continued support and encouragement. I’m not done yet; didn’t expect this to be such a novel I wrote.

Jeff from California


Nice read Jeff!
Quite a guitar collection you got there :grin:
Keep up the good work and keep posting :grin::+1:

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Thanks Trond. I hope it was good for a few laughs. I have a total of 9 guitars I think. Despite popular belief buying a new guitar doesn’t increase your skill level. I tried the theory🤣I need to invest in an amp that sounds better and a real microphone.


Hehehe… nope. Does not help, but they are cool things in their own rights.
Amp wise.
Bought a new guitar today, and the guy that sold it to me threw in an practise amp in the deal.
It was an Marshall mg10, a small 10w amp with no extra feature on it. Turns out that it sounded very cool, you should check it out… its around 100 us for it. And sounds great. Looks cool too…

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Hi Jeff,

this was an interesting and diverting read. I’m always curious to know the paths other people followed, where they came from musically and in general. So thanks for the insights on your way! :slight_smile:

Good luck with the structured approach, it sounds like a really good plan and you know what you want to achieve! That’s always the first big step in the right direction. :smiley:

I’m looking forward to your next updates here and of course new records. :sunglasses:

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Is this the one? What kind of guitar did you get.

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Yep. Thats the one… it really impressed me, the sound is as good as its in the yamaha thr30 witch is 5-6 times the price, but it dont have any features ofcourse…
Bought an used Epiphone Les paul slash apetite burst. Was used just a couple of times both guitar and amp…

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Thanks for reading Lisa. I first played the drums when I was about 10 years old and that was my first musical experience. I guess I have the Dave Grohl thing going on. Who knew 20 years later I would still remember that for rhythm and timing. The summary of that long story is I was hopeless and lost until finding Justin’s course. Things got better and better as the time passed since then. Have a great day.


I’ll have to fire mine up again and try it. This one has been in my garage for years. I look forward to hearing the les Paul in one of your videos or your daughter can put us to shame with a Metallica solo on it.

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It is that guitar and amp she uses when she played that Iron man AVOYP earlier today :grin:
But she uses an effect and wah pedal through the amp.


Great story. The part about the landlord threatening to kick you out made me laugh and judging by how you describe your guitar playing back then, I find myself on the landlords side, :smile:

One thing I notice whenever you post a video is community members are always saying how much you have improved. Nearly every video you get that same feedback. That’s a real credit to you and shows you are on the right track. You should be proud of that. Its a sign of hard work and also being open to feedback.

Have you done the strumming dynamics course that Justin offers? I think it could be a great option for yourself.

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Hey Jeff, great stuff. I spent a few years living in southern california in my late teens. Many fond memories of my time there. Great to hear you are finding your mojo with the guitar. Your progress is really great. Keep it up.

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I found your journey an interesting read. Glad you’re finally progressing and found a way to do it. I love the structuredness of Justin Guitar, I find I really need it, too.

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Great read and excellent intro for your learning logs, Jeff. Looking forward to seeing more added over time. All the best! :metal:

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Hi Jeff, thank you for sharing your story with us! It’s always Interesting to read how people started their guitar journey and how they deal with the challenge to make their ways through all the ups and downs this journey brings.
Since I joined this community, I see you are working hard, seems as if you have found the right place to learn! I like that structured approach of Justin’s lessons as it gives us some guide rails (without them, I’d be lost in this ocean of skills to learn). And it pays off! I like to see you playing outside, always inspiring. Oh man, I miss California. I had such a great time there.
Stay as diligent as you are, I’m sure you’ll reach your goals. Looking forward to reading and hearing more from you!


Hi there,

Thanks for reading my story. I may look into that strumming course when I get a chance. Lately I’m trying to keep a full plate on things to practice without going overboard. I appreciate each person who takes the time to watch my videos and share feedback. Have a great day.


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Hi Tony.

Thanks for reading my long message about myself. Glad you got to see SoCal at one point. It’s still the same, expensive place with people from all over and nice beaches. I thought I was overdo to write something other than here’s my new video. It holds me accountable to continue to make progress. Have a good day.



Hi Luna.

Thanks for reading my story. I love the structure here too and ability to learn at my own pace and review prior lessons. I didn’t have that from a private teacher. Take care.


Thanks for reading my introduction. I should have written it a long time ago, but finally got something together. Wish you the best of luck on your journey as well. Thanks for watching some of my videos here.



Hi Andrea,

I would agree with you that giving ourselves guidelines and structure is a necessity and Justin Guitar does that well. I’m glad you had the chance to visit California in the past. My wife took me for a midnight walk on the beach last night and the sound of the tide truly had healing powers. Of course I was thinking I should pull out my guitar and do a music video here. Maybe next time. I hope you have a fabulous guitar journey as well and look forward to seeing your progress every now and then.

All the best,
