Jeff’s Guitar Journey

Hi Jeff,
It’s certain for me that depression is not a myth and can be a huge struggle.
I do hope you’ll still be able to reach out to someone nearby and find the courage to keep on trying.

I wish you all the best and hope you will recover.

Take care


Hi @SDKissFan , I will admit I cannot even comprehend what you are going through and if this sounds in bad taste it is not supposed to be, but I hope you can get through this and come out the otherside.


Hi Jeff, I also want to share this with you here ,knowing that you also speak some Dutch…It is a Dutch proverb


Jeff, please reach out to someone. Help is available. I’ve learned that tomorrow really does come. Please check in with someone, talk to them, lean on people for support, and do all you can to get better. I hope we see you around.


Hi Jeff,

depression is definitely not a myth nor something people make up. Have some close and beloved people suffering depression, even lost a friend to this develish desease. I’m feeling very sorry for you and wish you all the best getting through this and hope, you have some support on your way.

Take care, Jeff!

Cheers - Lisa

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